Thursday 7 October 2021



Religion today is hypocrisy at its height, commerce at its coarsest and character at its lowest ebb. Men who profess, preach and propagate religion are slaves to money, name and fame, not to mention the political perfidies they are party to. Some of these men are good but they are too meek and, hence, inconsequential in the larger scheme of things. The average person is a docile, dumb devotee when it comes to raising a voice of protest when things go wrong. They are equally complicit in this roguery that has reduced religion to a sham. Rogues rule in the name of religion and rogues roll on the floor at their feet to raise these robbers to the pedestal from where they can plunder with impunity with support from both the mercenary and the minister. Thus goes on this religious run with gold replacing God, ad (advertisement) becoming the dad of discourse and the damn dollar doing its dastardly deeds with deceitful delight.

Written by Sugata Bose 

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