Tuesday 19 October 2021



Hindus must not only study the Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) but also build up a hypocrisy-free character. Cowardice cannot be a part of it neither stupidity to go out of the way to show love to those religions that hold Hinduism as false. This sort of shallowness in religious approach in the name of attempted religious harmony is not conducive to Hindu welfare. Self-respect and a sense of honour demands that Hindus should not thus dishonour their own religion by lavishing praise on religions whose stated agenda is the eventual destruction of Hinduism. Do Hindus not know why these proselytising religions keep on converting them to their fold? If not, it is time to shed hypocrisy and wake up from this undue slumber that will otherwise obliterate them.

Written by Sugata Bose

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