Saturday 2 October 2021



Humility is the precondition to success. The humble can absorb better positive influences from the surroundings. Where egotism hinders, humility helps. Humility, indeed, is a great strength. Gratitude to God springs from it. Gratitude to the people who have been helpmates and supporters of one's achievements in life springs from it as well. Humility keeps one grounded in life and reflective of life's higher imperatives and impulses to the divine. There surely is no better attribute than humility. No wonder we see how humble great people are. Their greatness makes them aware of their insignificance in the cosmic scheme of things even as they rise to the occasion for the while in their work where they like monarchs reign before they bend down on their kneels to thank the Lord for all His gifts bestowed unto them. 

Our scriptures say, 'Vidya dadaati vinayam' (Knowledge bestows humility). May I humbly add unto it, 'Vinamrataa dadaati vidya' (Humility bestows knowledge)? So, it is, indeed. Humility and knowledge, excellence, performance, achievement, perfection, call it what you will, are intimately linked for it opens the floodgates to power, to beauty, to sublimity, in essence to one's divinity within.

Written by Sugata Bose

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