Monday 4 October 2021



Stop following fraudulent Gurus. Follow your own self. Learn self-dependence and bit by bit build yourself. You can do it. You need nobody's help, nor Guru nor God. You are a complete package unto yourself with all knowledge packed into your being for you are at your deepest one with the source of creation. Explore it. Look within. Introspect. Have courage. You have none to fear. Nor God nor Satan, nor heaven nor hell can help you or hinder you, save you or damn you. They have no power over you beyond what you give them. So, be fearless from today. If you wish to pray, pray to yourself, that is, concentrate your mind and focus its powers on itself. No God ever answers your prayers, none ever will. You pray to no God but to your own self. And when your prayers get fulfilled, they do so from within you. God has not created you. It is you who have created God. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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