Monday, 4 October 2021



Religious harmony can never happen by surface assemblage of sayings from the different faiths and attempting to make a bouquet of them where each faith becomes a flower in the arrangement. The fundamental exclusive, antithetical principles of the Semitic religions, Christianity and Islam, with respect to all other religions must be addressed square on and not glossed over to attempt a make-believe religious harmony of sorts. That would be a travesty of truth and that is precisely what we encounter everywhere among the Hindus going out of their way to accomodate these religions that consider Hinduism flawed and false despite all such affability afforded them by the gullible, over-accomodating, ignorant Hindus. Inter-faith meets are thus a sham and not worth engaging in, especially by monks who are vowed to adhering to truth in thought, word and deed. When I see surface attempts being made by Babas and Gurus and Swamis to accommodate Padres and Maulvis to forge fraternal bonds with religions fundamentally opposed to the very existence of Hinduism on this planet, I am not inspired, for the latter never return the compliment to the former in once accepting Hinduism as true. Hinduism to them is forever false as an idolatrous Pagan religion not worth pursuing for it will lead its followers directly to hell. Therefore, befriending the faithful of Abrahamic religions who consider us faithless infidels serves no purpose, is an exercise in insincerity and of futility in consequential terms.

Mere cherry-picking of antagonistic passages from the Semitic scriptures hinders the progress of social harmony but neglecting their existence totally and pretending that all religions -- Islam and Christianity included -- preach love and brotherhood to us, Hindus, is not helpful either. Turning a blind eye to the vicious religious reality of the Abrahamic faiths is dangerous for both present and future prospects just as open confrontation for confrontation's sake on grounds of incompatible scriptural differences and behavioural aggression thereof is detrimental as well. We must address the truth as truth and not cover up the festering corpse of religious antipathy by Islam and Christianity towards Hinduism with fragrant flowers of make-believe truths that will wither and rot before the day is done. Face the fact and act accordingly, wisely and with discretion, so that Hindus are not destroyed en masse nor India harmed by erosion of classical culture. Let truth prevail without pretension and without political toxicity ruining discourse.

Written by Sugata Bose

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