Propaganda works well in India. We do not investigate enough. Hearsay and surface knowledge are good enough for us to form flawed opinions about great men like Gandhiji. It is a clever ploy to highlight Gandhiji and Patel while running down Nehru to obliterate the Congress from the electoral scene. And this is done not by historians with any degree of intellectual honesty about them but by masses of online ignoramuses with scant knowledge about the imperatives of the independence movement. That they find mass acceptance is but proof of the paucity of culture in the polity and the perversion of intellectual discourse of the times. This is the present India that is considered for all its stupid susceptibilities an aspirational nation. Indeed, Indians en masse today have decided to burn bridges of the past and swim across raging rivers holding on to the buoy of belief. Rationality has been cast to the winds and the mantra of misinformation has become the constant chant of the enamoured masses to the accompaniment of elegies and eulogies. The sacrificial offerings are also there and need I mention who those gifts to the gods are?
Written by Sugata Bose
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