Saturday 9 October 2021



As the middle class becomes stronger the country will rise despite temporary setbacks on various counts. In a generation or two India will be on her feet once again, never to look back. India along with the rest of humanity is awaking to the deeper truths of life. Awareness is on the rise worldwide. The Satya Yuga (Age of Truth) as Swamiji prophesied, is coming. Glory unto the Great God who as historical evolutionary force is manifesting man's divinity in no uncertain terms, although, clouded by the temporary smoke-cover, we are unable to see through to the glorious days ahead. There is much to fear right now, true, but much to cheer about in the future, for bleak days will have given over to brighter ones soon and the sun will shine on one and all. All these despicable divisions that separate man and man, men from animals and humanity from Nature, and threaten to extinguish life on earth will soon be past memories of no consequence and mankind will triumph over all of life's vicissitudes to usher in a golden age of peace, light and love. Unto such a day I send these lines this morn. May God bless all !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : courtesy, Vraja Mohana

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