Sunday 17 October 2021



Follow this towering personality and do not subscribe to belittling talk about the Sanatan Dharma by shallow 'humanists' and 'secularists' whose only objective is upholding the banner of sense-enjoyment. Read Vivekananda and become men. Find out for yourselves what the Swami has to say about persecution done unto Hindus by the enemies of humanity, where stands liberalism, the orthodox and the heterodox on contentious issues of national life, how we must train ourselves to combat the evils of human society, the persecution of proselytising religions, the inhumanity of business barons -- the dollar-imperialists, the cruelty deriving from mummified social institutions and the glory of the pristine principles of the Vedic Dharma. Read, reflect, realise. Then put them into living practice in a calm, concentrated and coordinated way that will put these unconcerned atheists to shame, if they have any, when they fail to defend the Hindus even when they suffer genocide.

Written by Sugata Bose 

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