Tuesday 5 October 2021



No one is born into a religion. A baby is just born into an environment that has religion as one of its features. This religion is then thrust upon it. The baby is brainwashed with daily prayers, rituals, festivals, dietary restrictions, dress code, language-learning, scriptural study and recitation, instilling of the fear of hell, inducement of the reward of heaven, marital restrictions and countless other little curbing of freedom here and there which through aggregate effect reduce it to lifelong slavery of a tyrant God and His life-reducing injunctions. Where's the hope of saving the baby from this prospective slavery? The past holds the present in perpetual bondage to it, stifling the cry of freedom and suffocating hopes of future redemption here on earth, for who cares for the 'pie in the sky when you die'?

Written by Sugata Bose

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