Sugata Bose @Sandip Halder : Brilliant observation -- "Bhinnataa shudhu duratvey." Discrete particle's distinctness in spatial location leading to separation of pathways with eventual mergence in unitary endpoint.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Thank you, Bhaskar. Love incarnate he was, was he not, the saviour of the suffering, the doctor of the distressed, the repose of the resigned?
Sugata Bose @Gopa Sarkar : Clearly she is hurting Islamic sentiments. What do you say? After all Taliban follows the strictest code of the original and inviolable Islam.
SugataBose @Gopa Sarkar : You missed my point and the implicit humour of the said lady in ignorance totally.
Sugata Bose @Gopa Sarkar : Humanity is a minority today as minority rules majority by sheer power of numbers, that is, the lack of it which also is a numeral feature. The very lack of numbers, critically big though, enough to influence the destiny of elections, has empowered the minority to wield sufficient power over the polity in a dubiously degenerate democratic set-up where electoral appeasement allows ever greater regressive role to rogue elements operating in the realm of religion.
Sugata Bose @Subrata Sengupta : And before 712 CE, barring several lakh Christians, all belonged to the Indian dharma traditions.
Sugata Bose @Sumanta Bose : This is a glossing over of the meaning and intent of the post by bringing in an extraneous cultural issue to a fault.
Sugata Bose @Sumanta Bose : True enough, this is a major problem, a pernicious one and a most perplexing one as well keeping future prospects in perspective. Demographic change in this respect that we have witnessed in our motherland and elsewhere in the world over the last millennium has invariably and inevitably changed civic discourse from religious plurality to dictatorial domination by a single sect. Every decade's census reveals a percentage point down for the Hindus and one up for the Muslims, thereby creating a two point bridging of gap over every ten years. At this linear rate the Hindus will be outnumbered over the next 300 years on an overall population basis. Much before that Hindus will be outnumbered in specific places all over the country. Demographic change will influence governmental policies and lend more and more control to the theocratic forces of Islam which will endanger democracy itself. Keeping the environment in perspective, population boom at any rate is unwelcome on all fronts. Hence, it is a complex issue that faces humankind everywhere, no less in India that has already suffered territorial partition on account of it.
Sugata Bose @Ayan Pal : I have seen you speak but once and you were wonderful.
Sugata Bose @Ayan Pal : Yes, I do remember that evening at Kolkata Toastmasters Club for it was such a singular experience in my life.
Sugata Bose @Vraja Mohan : Swamiji's words -- superb! Thanks for posting such. Short, pithy posts -- a great service unto readers like me for sure.
Sugata Bose @Sampurna Goswami : May it ever go on, moment to moment a renewal of love, hope and fulfilment in its wake!
Sugata Bose @Vandana Agrawal Jain : But online shallowness of people very often discourages me and makes me take up a sharp, critical line full of caustic remarks. I feel exasperated at the professed shallowness of educated people, even men of apparent learning and light. This intellectual hollowness of the polity I work against but often in vain. Persistence and patience will pay, I guess, but the fruits of it I may not live to see. Nonetheless, as the Geeta says, nothing good done will ever go in vain. So I keep my spirits up and trudge on, motoring on inspirational wheels only when a wave of delight from some source fills me up and I find myself freshly dedicated to the cause. You have been kind to me, though, more than many others who even personally know me have been.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : তাহলে ভক্তেরা তাঁর ছবিতে এত মুগ্ধ কেন ? তাঁর বাণীর প্রতি অথবা তাঁর বিষয়ক রচনাপাঠে এত পরাঙ্মুখ কেন ? বৌদ্ধিক স্তরে বিচরণে এত অনীহা কেন ? এ তো ঠাকুরকে অবেহেলা করারই নামান্তর | তাই নয় কি ?
Sugata Bose @Bikram Mookerjee : I answered you but you did not even acknowledge the laborious reply on my part.
Sugata Bose @Mahesh Prabhu : Absolutely right you are about these fraudsters. Yet, so few have a fair bit of discernment even among my highly educated Facebook friends. They call them erudite propagators of the Sanatan Dharma far and wide across the world and, therefore, worthy of great respect. Seeker or charlatan? And how should we think of those who support these mercenaries masquerading as messiahs?
Sugata Bose @Anirban Chakraborty : Happy birthday! This is the day when so many years back the irritation called life began, the organic response to universal stimuli. Hence, by annual repetition it is coming again and again, although, not in the same sense ever for natural evolution and your self-evolution are both changing guards. But it is irritation nonetheless. Wish you happy irritation now! Bear with me please and be happy.
Sugata Bose @Rishieraj Ritambhar Mohanty : The girl is a big soul. Look at her big expressive eyes and big earlobes, signs that are auspicious and augur well for the future. She is a kind soul, will be a good student and will in course of time be specifically spiritually inclined.
Sugata Bose @Bandana Sarkar : Swami Someshwaranandaji was a highly creative person, original beyond measure and somewhat ahead of his times, quite apart from the common crop of monastics who he would have found rather difficult to have accessed his ideas with, I dare say.
Sugata Bose @Ratan Pal : Lovely ! You have such a delightful sense of poetry in you. It comes from a sense of music, of harmony, of optimum balance of syllables in a line, a sense of rhythm which is so lacking in the composition of many, and above all a sensuous sense that touches with its warmth, never too loud, just a soft passion wrapped up in floating words and images that sets alight the environs with its romance, its fragrance, its beauteous hues. You write well, well indeed, for you create beauty which is the essence of poetry and its highest bliss. Did not Keats compose the immortal lines :
'Beauty is truth : truth beauty.
That is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.' ?
Sugata Bose @Mrinal Roy: Collective thought-vibration of happiness in the air that penetrates your self. [Durga Puja, 2021]
Sugata Bose @Ritabhari Chakraborty: You are a beautiful soul. Value yourself more than you do. Life has offered you beauty, brains and bright lineage. You must rise beyond the ordinary excellence to extraordinary heights where your achievements will not be for yourself merely but for the teeming millions who shall look up to you and for those who have not even the means or the wherewithal to do so. May Mother bless you, dear great one! My blessings, if at all they count for you, I add on to it.
Sugata Bose @Poulome Mitra Shaw : Hence, I awake from my slumber and in shining apparel see my Self standing within.
Sugata Bose @Poulome Mitra Shaw : Beautiful house, neat, clean, pure, full of grace. Praise be unto thee!
Sugata Bose @Poulome Mitra Shaw : তুমিই তো মা লক্ষ্মী, তাই গৃহ এত সুন্দর |
Sugata Bose @Sonali Dutta : Grand decision not to expect anything from anyone. Will take you to peace if you can truly stick to it. Read Swami Vivekananda and it will be the coup de grace to your resolve.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : You are spot on. I do not think they anymore care so much for Thakur-Swamiji as we ordinary folks in our humble capacity do. We are far more idealistic than these so-called monks. At last I found someone who had the courage to speak the plain truth.
Sugata Bose @ Swapan Kumar Ghosh : Why feel sick? That is a weakening impulse. Feel angry instead.
Sugata Bose @Swapan Kumar Ghosh : Hindus have now opened their own company called SYMPATHY PRIVATE LIMITED.
Sugata Bose @Gopa Sarkar : Because we, Hindus, are ignorant, confused, liberal and enlightened of sorts, a curious mixture of all these contrasting elements.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Few among my Facebook friends are doing so. Most are mercilessly unconcerned as if the fire will self-contain itself to the eastern part of Bengal and the wind of sectarian hate will not carry to its western part here right among us in due course. Such oblivion only Hindus who have forgotten the horrors of Partition, the genocide of 1946 in Kolkata and Noakhali, can fall into. But it is a precipitous fall, dear friend. We must lodge all-out protest in whatever form urgently. Else, our part of Bengal will soon see what East Bengal has witnessed over eight decades.
Sugata Bose @Walid Ahmed Komol : Did not Sir Syed also advocate the case for a separate homeland for Indian Muslims in the event of the British leaving Indian shores?
Sugata Bose @Ranajit Nandi : Long live humanity !
Sugata Bose @Ranajit Nandi : So, what is your stance? What is your suggestion? Give some solutions for a change instead of just futile fulmination.
Sugata Bose @Bikram Mookerjee : This particular religion does not allow that. Scripture is inviolable according to them.
Sugata Bose @সৌম্য ঘোষ রায় : Facebook friends are real cowards. I have hashtagged as per your suggestion. Now none will dare give a 'like' to the poem. Oh, I see even you have not given one! Nonetheless, you have suggested well. Let's see if my message reaches farther than usual.
Sugata Bose @Susanta Mullick : But you and I could not be so victimised by past governments or agencies. We were at the right hour exposed to Swamiji's literature. We know what Swamiji wanted. What about discharging our duties towards strengthening the Hindus? We will do it. Join hands with me far more actively. Let our cooperative endeavour be a beacon unto many others and they shall join in soon. So, let us unitedly work. Mere praises in devotional terms will not do anymore.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : That shame will not save us. It is time to resist, to do something more manly, more affirmative.
Sugata Bose @Susanta Mullick : The current crop of cowards will pass out of this earth with disgrace on their heads. We are the third generation after Swamiji's famous prophecy about national regeneration in five or six generations from the date of prophecy. Thus, it will be our grandchildren and great grandchildren who will be Swamiji's warriors who shall bring about the desired change in the state of Hindu affairs and of that of the world as well in general.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Look at the apathy of devotees to this massive tragedy that has befallen the Hindus in Bangladesh. Are these devotees?
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : But if the religion is fanaticism itself? And how will you defend persecuted Hindus by mere words sent from India online? Who will defend them on the ground? The Muslims have destroyed their everything there. Are we to go there and suffer their fate with them by way of showing solidarity? What is the way out for them who are dying despicable deaths at the dastardly hands of demons?
Sugata Bose @Jisnu Bhattacharya : I merely bring up contentious issues for public observation. Also, I do not believe that left movement per se is bad for it is a people's movement after all that raises social questions about economic exploitation of the capitalists and of capitalism as an exploitative system. Do not forget what Swamiji said, "I am a socialist, not because I believe it is a perfect system but because half a loaf is better than no bread at all." Swamiji's younger brother, Dr. Bhupendranath Datta, has articulated his analytics on Swamiji's social philosophy from a radically different perspective. It is a book in which he has also lambasted the modern leftists for their disparaging remarks on Swamiji and his philosophical thinking, his ideology and his intent. Dr. Datta has also pulled up Swamiji's monastic followers in the Ramakrishna Mission for their misapprehension of Swamiji's social philosophy which in his view was a very deep synthesis of the ancient Vedanta philosophy and the movement of man in the ongoing process of historical evolution. They have located Swamiji in the current feudal and emerging capitalististic context as an adjusted component within it while neglecting his revolutionary element that strove to alter the socioeconomic fate of man. This the Mission has done through no ulterior motive, though, but purely out of their failure to read Swamiji right. The Mission monks right upto Swamiji's brother disciples have failed to see what Swamiji in essence stood for as a changer of man's terrestrial destiny. Swamiji himself had said that his great ideas he could not impart to any of his followers during his lifetime for which he lamented much. But he hoped that by Thakur's grace in due course of time great souls would arise who would carry out his ideas better and to a higher fruition. Swamiji's was a complex personality and his ideas were not only way ahead of his times but they were a fantastic synthesis of the historical evolution of man upto the current times and proceeding way ahead into millenia hence.
Coming to the ground reality regarding the leftists, we all know what they did to the Ramakrishna Mission during their 34 year tenure in West Bengal. So, I am not going any further into it.
Sugata Bose @Ganesh Dey : History takes time to alter things but it invariably and inevitably does. The evolutionary forces are at work. There will be revolution from within Islam just as it happened in the case of Communism. Sri Ramakrishna has prophesied, "The modern religions will come and go. Only the Sanatan Dharma will remain." His words cannot fail to fructify in the fullness of time. Right now the sacrifices are being accepted at the Mother's altar. It is a gruesome game, this worship of The Terrible. Strange are the ways of karmic resolution! The old superstitions will take some more time to run out, Swamiji has said, despite tall talks on universal brotherhood. So, the historical process is on and it will through all this turbulence proceed to eventually triumph in this regard even as other problems crop up to disrupt the social equilibrium. Dialectics is an ongoing process, spiralling up and down and seeking progressive synthesis.
Sugata Bose @বিন কাসিম : Islam considers Hinduism as false. What do you say about that?
Sugata Bose @Shyamaprasad Mukhopadhyaya : Hindus are considered kuffar/kafir/infidel by Islam fit to be converted or killed. This is the statement of the Quran. What do you say about that?
Sugata Bose @বিন কাসিম : Do you consider Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet and Islam as the last and most perfect religion after which there can be no more religious revelation? In other words, as per Islam, Sri Ramakrishna is not a prophet nor are his words which state that all religions are true to be accepted. Right or wrong?
Sugata Bose @Srikumar Mukherjee : We do not overlook. It is you who are refusing to address the fundamental point raised above by Swami Vivekananda. Do you want more such quotes from Swamiji? Islam straightway declares itself as the last revealed and the only true, perfect religion, and Muhammad as the last and the most perfect prophet. You are distorting the meaning of Islam's essential doctrines by bringing in your own high-flown, vague affirmations, even positive, deliberate, distortions. Do not make your own Islam. Islam denies the validity of Hinduism. Have you heard of the Prophet's Ghazwa-e-Hind?
Sugata Bose @Srikumar Mukherjee : Yes, dharma against vicious people, not religion against infidels.
Sugata Bose @Srikumar Mukherjee : Sri Ramakrishna practised a version of Sufi Islam which is an Indian variant, not the original Islam Muhammad preached. Ramakrishna did not convert to Islam. Hence, you see. His practice in Muhammad's eyes would be deemed invalid for Ramakrishna continued thereafter to believe in idol worship.
Sugata Bose @Srikumar Mukherjee : You are distorting Islam.
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : I am not well-informed enough about the details of this stated court case to comment on it. I did go through the content of the article and the comment stream following it. I found it a bit slanted and motivated. RKM was drawn into this case following the Rahara Vivekananda Centenary Memorial College conflict on governance issues. The Left Front Government was interfering unduly in the operation of educational institutions of the Mission and trying to subvert them along its own political lines. The Mission was driven into a corner thus. Its monastic members even were physically assaulted in places. The Party wanted absolute control of the polity and the Mission with its considerable support base on account of its humanitarian work stood in the way, so the Party deemed. Thus, it had to control the Mission, an effort which brought in the court case where the Mission appealed for minority status. The Mission won the High Court case but lost in the Supreme Court which deemed the Mission a Hindu organization and, so, not eligible for minority status. The arguments that were purportedly made on behalf of the Mission as have been cited here, I am not aware whether they are factual or not. So, I cannot comment on such.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Read this opening paragraph again after some time with unfolding new insight into its indigenous intent where by sects Swamiji has meant the sects of the Indic tradition.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : This unbelievable paper read by Swamiji at the Chicago Parliament of Religions has encapsulated the essence of Hinduism in all its multifarious dimensions, in all its catholicity with a sweep of Himalayan proportions, a range that matches its peaks in height and their grandeur in content. It was not easy for Swamiji to articulate the essence of the Hindu scriptures in an alien tongue that hardly had the vocabulary to express what had been so eloquently recorded in Chhaandas and Sanskrit. And yet he did the impossible on 19 September, 1893, a red-letter day in the annals of world history when he presented before the Occidental world the most abstruse philosophy of the Orient in lucid, poetic terms shorn of feverish complexities, and the world listened to the young sage in hushed silence before rapturous they broke out in delightful display of their wonderment. Swamiji, as Nivedita noted, had stood up to delineate the outlines of Hinduism but when he had finished, Hinduism had been created. Swamiji spoke in his organ voice to not only enthrall the audience, not only to send them into transports of awakened blissful consciousness but to career the creative meeting of the best minds of Europe and America at the confluence of the diverse streams of thought that rushed headlong through his being unto the ocean of a surpassing oneness.
Sugata Bose @Asad Noor : Do not even hold parleys with those that spread superstition. You are getting a rare opportunity for spreading light -- the light of rationality and humanity. Remember the meaning and significance of your name. 'Noor' means 'light'. Spread that light of knowledge that pierces through the veils of age-old darkness, the covers that hide humanity.
Asad Noor, kindly do not bother about what Islamists say to you. Move on relentlessly towards your goal of upholding humanity.
Asad Noor, I request you to study the Sanatan Dharma, especially 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'.
Islamists are collectively complaining against you to Facebook and reducing your effectiveness. But do not worry. We are with you.
By persecuting the Hindus 🕉 Bangladesh has shown its ingratitude to India for all she has done for it.
Expose the true concept of Jihad.
Bangladesh will unite with Pakistan in the Umma unless secularism wins.
You are doing a grand job. Carry on fearlessly but cautiously at that.
Do not bother about Tripura. Do what you do best. That is your area of specialization.
Do not get distracted. Focus on atrocity on Hindus in Bangladesh.
An estimated 44000 Hindu temples destroyed in history by Islamic violence. Hindu 🕉 girls unsafe in Bangladesh. 🕉 🕉 🕉 Hindu girls and women suffer regular molestation in Islamic countries. Bangladesh (East Bengal/East Pakistan) is the glaring instance of it over the last 75 years.
Hindus do not convert by force. Muslims do.
Please talk about atrocity on Hindus 🕉 in Bangladesh and what Shaikh Hasina's government's true intentions are.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : The Sanatan Dharma is 'apaurusheya', impersonal. Hence, it is eternal, somewhat in referential terms like physics. The rishis were spiritual scientists. They were the discoverers of these spiritual laws.
Sugata Bose @Asad Noor : A lion among men. Keep the communication going.
Sugata Bose @Aniruddha Rakshit : Dantosynthesis hobe. Dantochemical reaction athaba toothraashaayanik pratikriyaa. (Response to Aniruddha Rakshit's post : দাঁতকে আলো দেখানোর নাম হাসি)
Sugata Bose @Shiv Sankar Das : আমার স্বামীজী? আপনার নয়? আর স্বামীজী যে যুবসমাজকে শ্রদ্ধাবান হতে বলেছেন, তার কি? তার নিদর্শন তো আপনার মধ্যে পরিলক্ষিত হচ্ছে না, বিশেষতঃ আপনার এযাবৎ প্রদর্শিত ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর অবয়ব নিয়ে নানা কুরুচিপূর্ণ চিত্র উপস্থাপনের মধ্য দিয়ে? আপনি যে সব বিষয়ের দিকে দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করার প্রয়াস পাচ্ছেন তার ক্ষেত্র ভিন্ন | সে বিষয়ে আলোচনা এখানে অবান্তর, তাই অনাবশ্যক | একজন হিন্দু হয়ে সনাতন ধর্মের সর্বোচ্চ ধারক ও বাহক, যুগাবতার পূর্ণব্রহ্ম শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ ও শিবাবতার যুগাচার্য স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের প্রতি যে অসম্মানসূচক বার্তালাপ করছেন তাতে নিজের চরিত্র সংশোধন করলে উপকৃত হবেন বলে বোধ করি |
Sugata Bose @Shiv Shankar Das: আপনি রসবোধসম্পন্ন দেখে কিঞ্চিৎ আনন্দবোধ করছি কিন্তু পরিপ্রেক্ষি সম্বন্ধে নিতান্তই উদাসীন | ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর বাণীর গভীরতা অনুভবে আপনি একান্ত অকৃতকার্য বলে মনে হচ্ছে | তাই এ হেন অহেতুক বাক্যালাপ | আপনার প্রশ্নের সব উত্তরই আমার জানা আছে এবং তা আমি আমার নানা রচনায় নিত্য পরিবেষণ করে আসছি আজ বহু বছর কিন্তু তা বোধগম্য হতে হলে প্রাথমিক প্রয়োজন সূক্ষ্ম ও শুভ বুদ্ধি, উন্নত ও উদার চরিত্র, ইতিহাসজ্ঞান ও সমাজবিবর্তনের নিয়ামক শক্তিগুলির সম্যকজ্ঞান | এর অভাবে আপনার সাথে বাক্যালাপ অরণ্যে রোদনতুল্য অথবাবালুকায় বারিবর্ষণের ন্যায় হবে | সনাতন শাস্ত্রে তাই শিক্ষার্থীর কিছু আবশ্যক চিত্তবৃত্তির কথা বলা হয়েছে | সেই সকল আগে নিজজীবনে আনয়ন করুন, তৎপশ্চাৎ রামকৃষ্ণ-বিবেকানন্দরূপ দিব্য জীবন আলোচনা হতে পারে | শুনেছেন নিশ্চয়, 'শ্রদ্ধাবানম্ লভতে জ্ঞানম্ '? আগে আপনার চিত্ত শান্ত হোক, বুদ্ধি নির্মল হোক, চরিত্র সুগঠিত হোক ও হৃদয় উদার হোক, তারপর আপনার সাথে দেশ, জাতি, সমাজ, ধর্ম ও মনুষ্যত্বের আলোচনা করা যাবে | রণে ভঙ্গ দেবেন না | অন্যদের সাথে সবিস্তারে বাক্যালাপ চালিয়ে যান, তবে সুশোভিতভাবে, নইলে কেউই আপনাকে গ্রাহ্য করবেন না তেমন | সুস্বাগতম্ ! সনাতন ধর্মের জয় হোক !
Sugata Bose @Shiv Sankar Das : এ সব উদ্ভট তথ্য কোথায় পেলেন ? নোংরামির তো স্থান আমার প্রোফাইল নয় | শুধু শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ সম্বন্ধে আপনার সীমাহীন অজ্ঞতার পরিচয় দিচ্ছেন | একদিন এর জন্য লজ্জিত ও অনুতপ্ত হবেন | যদি যুবা হন তো চরিত্র সংশোধন করুন | এখনও সময় আছে | আর যদি প্রৌঢ় কিম্বা অধিক বয়ঃপ্রাপ্ত হন তো শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের কাছে মার্জনা ভিক্ষা করুন |
Sugata Bose @Shiv Shankar Das: এ যাবৎ যুবক বলে কতক স্নেহপরবশ হয়ে আপনার সাথে কথা বললাম | কিন্তু যে দূষিত মিথ্যারোপ আপনি শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের নামে করলেন যা প্রতিকারহেতু প্রতিবাদস্বরূপও লিখতে আমার শিক্ষা, সংস্কৃতি ও রুচিতে বাধছে, সেই বাক্যালাপ এই মন্তব্যের পর আমি বন্ধ করতে বাধ্য হচ্ছি | নমস্কার ও শুভকামনা |
Sugata Bose @Satadru Sovon Ghosh : অর্থাৎ ? Ego (অহমিকা) ইত্যাদি কি আমাকে উদ্দেশ্য করে বলা হল ? আমার ব্যক্তিগত প্রচেষ্টার অন্ত নেই হিন্দুজাতির নিজ ঐতিহ্য সম্বন্ধে বোধজাগরণ ও সুরক্ষাসম্বন্ধীয় অনুরূপ জাগরণকল্পে | আর পাঁচজন যদি একইভাবে এই মহতীকর্মে আত্মনিয়োগ করেন তো দেশ, জাতি ও ধর্মের যথার্থ কল্যাণসাধন হবে বলে বোধ করি |
যে কোনও মন্তব্য কোনও কিছু ঊহ্য না রেখে স্বচ্ছ ও সুন্দরভাবে সবিস্তারে করলে তার ভ্রান্ত অর্থ উৎপত্তির অবকাশ থাকে না | তাই ইংগিতপূর্ণ অসম্পূর্ণ মন্তব্যে পাঠকের মনে পারিভাষিক ভ্রান্ত অর্থের উৎপত্তি হতে পারে যা বাঞ্ছনীয় নয় একান্ত |
Sugata Bose @Haradhan Mukhopadhyay : স্বামীজীর অনুকরণ কর্তব্য নয় | স্বামীজী তাঁর 'স্বদেশমন্ত্রে' পরানুকরণ করতে বারণ করেছেন প্রথম ছত্রেই | অনুসরণ, অনুধাবন হতে পারে |
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Grand post. Exhilarating stuff from Swamiji's wanderjahre.
Sugata Bose @Ajanta Deb Roy : Mr. Shamsul Alam Salim is an apologist and as such is resorting to cover-up linguistic tactics, the age-old technique of the apologist. His bombastic speech is patently insincere.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya (ref. Chicago Lecture -- Paper on Hinduism, 19 September, 1893) Lovely, flowing, serialised speech of the sage of the age delivered at the junction point of transiting civilisation from medievalism to modernity in the spiritual context.
Sugata Bose @Asad Noor's Vlog : Shaikh Hasina is giving no protection to Bangladeshi Hindus 🕉 but is demanding protection for Indian Muslims from her Indian counterpart. It seems Bangladesh is on the edge of an Islamic precipice that will annihilate Hindus, Buddhists, secularists, liberals and all minorities -- religious, linguistic or gender-based -- to fulfil the original doctrine of the worldwide Umma in line with Islamic theology. India has betrayed the persecuted Bangladeshi Hindus 🕉. West Bengal is next in line but resistance is on the way. Keep up your brave effort, Asad Noor's Vlog.
Sugata Bose @Jean S. Sahaï : Yes, of course. Everything is karmic. But the 'karma' concept has to be understood well. It is very hazy, blurred in our conceptions. Karma is not just past impression influencing present action but there is a degree of inherent freedom to it born out of our essential divinity which is free of all karma. Hence, present endeavour through access to such freedom can outdo past karma and alter things for the better.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Brahman is one, indeed, but not in the sense of the oneness of Elohim, Jehovah, God, Allah or Ishwar. Brahman is one in the sense that it is 'non-dual' which is not the same as 'single'. Brahman is without attributes unlike God, Allah or Ishwar who have attributes. Brahman does not create, preserve or destroy which are the three functions of God, Allah or Ishwar. Brahman is transcendental and real in the sense that phenomena is causal-probabilistic, hence unreal, for its existence is dependent on the trinity of observer, observed and observation. The existence of Brahman is independent of this trinity. It is self-existent, its consciousness of such existence being without the partition of the trinity of relatives, it being undivided, subjective self-awareness. Hence, the Hindus 🕉 had advanced in Vedic times itself to the end-point of spiritual evolution which other non-Indic religions like Judaism ✡, Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️, appearing later, could not even barely intellectually apprehend, far less spiritually realise and build their philosophical foundations on such realisation.
Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik (with reference to a rejoinder given by someone to a motivated, unfounded remark by Sagarika Ghose) Good one. Solid rejoinder to a motivated pedlar of perverse ideas.
Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : You are doing a wonderful work. These posts everyday go a great way towards serving the cause of regeneration of the Hindus 🕉 worldwide. I exhort you to carry on with your noble endeavour unfailingly. It can only gather increased momentum with every passing day and, despite temporary disappointments as are bound to occur in a progressive programne when audiences may for a while dwindle, you must persist at your labour of love with unflinching faith and unbounded zeal, come what may. I shall surely be with you in this excellent effort through my support, appreciation and encouragement which I shall deem to be my discharge of holy duty towards the cause of the establishment of dharma (righteousness) and service of svadesh (homeland).
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Multiplicity is the Montessori of life and religion, and unity is its doctoral endpoint in final discovery. From the Many to the edge of the One stretches the field of Maya, for Maya can never reach this unitary endpoint, dissolving entirely at its own boundary before the Self is self-revealed.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : কেন ? আমিও তো কাফির কিন্তু প্রতিবাদী কাফির | কাফির বলে দুর্বলতার শিকার হব কেন ? কেনই বা হীনমন্যতায় ভুগব যার প্রতিধ্বনি শুনতে পাই অসহায়তার আড়ালে দুর্বল মন্তব্যে ?
Sugata Bose @Debashis Ghosh : তাহলে এ সব রচনাগুলি বহুল share করুন, প্রচার করুন জনচেতনা জাগরণকল্পে |
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