Sunday, 21 November 2021



Islamic State of West Bengal? If not, why is the loudspeaker sounding the Maghrib Azaan and breaking my concentration? I am a Hindu 🕉 and I must not be force-fed five times a day that my God is inferior by implication to Allah who is the only God who is God and must be worshipped. I refuse to convert to Islam and accept this voluble loudspeaker proposition which need not be thus blared for non-Muslims like me to feel offended. My religious sensibilities are being hurt thus which the hyper-sensitive Muslim mosque authorities must realise.

Concentration broken is work impeded and work impeded is individual and national output decreased which is a regressive consequence in collective terms. Hence, I no more feel comfortable in this environment where this alien exclusive influence is allowed by perverted politicians to dominate, an imposition that is so antithetical to our age-old Hindu 🕉 civilisation of universal acceptance and harmony.

West Bengal is gradually sinking to a state where progressive and protesting people like me will be progressively marginalised till there is no sanity left in the polity here anymore and silent spectators like my mute friends live to see the decimation of Hindu 🕉 culture here in the long run, the culture that alone can keep this nation along the track suited to her civilisation and heritage which has thus far seen her as the most brilliant civiliser of nations.

In the city of Vivekananda, in the land of the Rishis we are being subjected to this doctrine enmasse perforce that there is no God but Allah who is the greatest. Read the Qur'an and discover the intent of this move, the content of this daily diversion for disbelievers and the punishment that is promised here and hereafter for this act of faithlessness.

If this loudspeaker menace continues, it will be the first step towards demolishing the secular strands of this nation that must be spiritual and scientific in spirit, dharmic or virtuous in action and to no effect exclusively proselytising for setting up the monopoly of a single monotheistic faith thrust forcibly on all directly or indirectly through sleight of hand till the situation is ripe for final imposition. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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