Monday, 15 November 2021



Asad Noor's Vlog is doing what very few are doing on this planet earth. Most are dated in antiquity that has either lost relevance today or is prevalent in toxic terms still and remains relevant therefore in the sense that it needs to be bypassed or destroyed so that humanity may survive. Progressive he is and such people alone live their lives to help evolve humanity. The rest are like sheep that brainlessly follow past precepts and outmoded principles that only remain to take human society backwards.

Asad Noor is so named because he is a glimmer of light in this dark world, 'Noor' meaning light. This I write in response to a caustic comment made by a gentleman as to why Asad Noor's name is Noor.

It is not easy to be brave beyond a point where governmental and theocratic organisations are conjointly taken on for their misdemeanour and misdeeds. When people make free thinkers fugitives, let them not assume the moral high ground of preaching high-sounding principles that are, though, patently antihuman. It is men and women of the type that Asad Noor represents who have evolved human society to where it stands today despite persecutions galore.

Bruno died on the stake, Galileo lived a blind man in prison, being forced into contradicting his own scientific theories by the high hand of the tyrannical Catholic Church. Copernicus, fearing persecution, wrote his heliocentric paper from his monastic habitat but dared not publish it. It was Galileo who did it and paid the price for doing so. But the price he paid made way for the progress of humanity unto the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment and the modern age. So is Asad Noor doing, ushering the Muslim polity worldwide, with special emphasis on his homeland Bangladesh, unto the age of light and reason. Let none abuse him for his valorous stance, let none call into question his credentials for what he is doing but let all sane people stand by him and behind him in rock-solid support that in collective might will in course of time overpower and overcome medieval monstrosities that go in the name of religion and, so, bring up the world to its true human status of love, respect and acceptance of one and all barring such corrosive ideologies that may yet crop up as residual reaction in the onward march of time.

Glory unto humanity! Glory unto all such souls like Asad Noor who stand up fearlessly, despite persecution, for the cause of humanity in this dark world of theological and ideological tyranny where democracy itself fights for survival and human civilisation for its continued sustenance and life!

Written by Sugata Bose

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