Friday 5 November 2021



🕉 Knowledge is power. If you want to save your Sanatan Dharma from the aggressive intent and attempted annihilation by Islamists, Christian Evangelists and Communists, and in so doing save your age-old Indian spiritual culture, study the various sciences, arts and religions of the world to grow in intellectual power, spiritual conviction and pragmatic wisdom. Study Swami Vivekananda to begin with, and build up a strong character that does not quake before the adversary hell-bent upon your destruction.

Upon the foundation of knowledge, objective and subjective, stands the citadel of world civilisation. Strengthen this national foundation and build upon it the edifice of your future national civilisation. May the light of enlightened reason and realisation guide India to future glory! Upon your labour of love rests the chance of its future fruition. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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