Thursday 25 November 2021



🕉 On the 13th anniversary of the 26/11 Islamic Jihadi attack on Mumbai I yet again exhort my Facebook friends to spread the virile teachings of Vivekananda. The Vedanta and the message of its foremost messenger need to be propagated with purpose and strength. Stop posting namby-pamby messages of mere morals. Like rapid fire let Vivekananda consume the dross of the world.

Hinduism 🕉 and the Hindus need security in Hindu-majority India as Hindus have become callous about their religion. Hinduism needs to be defended from the attacks of Christian evangelists and Islamic preachers. Both these religions, Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️, are exclusive and, hence, viciously proselytising.

Islam rules by numbers and imposes its doctrines wherever Muslims are in majority. Look around the Indian subcontinent, then spread your vision across the Islamic ☪️ world and you will get to see the truth of my statement. Hence, before it is too late, spread Vivekananda. This is the call of the hour. If you do not act now, perhaps, the occasion to respond in defence of the dharma will not come again. Hence, reflect, realise and accordingly act. Spread Swamiji. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

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