🕉 It is time for Hindus to start converting Muslims to Hinduism just as Muslims convert Hindus to Islam continously. That is the only way we Hindus will not decrease in numbers. Every time a Hindu-Muslim marriage takes place, in almost every case it is the Hindu who is made to convert to Islam and rarely the other way. This is an Islamic scripture-ordained way to increase the fold of Islam and reduce other faiths to lower numbers and thereby to lower status in the world. After all, 'might is right' and it is the majority who rule eventually by the sheer strength of numbers.
Sister Nivedita had talked of 'aggressive Hinduism' in the context of the then prevailing colonial-imperial subjugated state of India. Even Swamiji was of the view that Hinduism should go on the offensive if it was to survive as a spiritual force in India and the world. So, it was not something that the Irish disciple of Swamiji had invented as a newly chartered path for future Hinduism. Swamiji often used to say, 'Expansion is life, contraction death.' By that he not only meant spiritual expnasion of the individual aspirant but also collective expansion of the Hindu polity.
One of the reasons Hindus perennially suffer at the hands of Muslims is that the Hindus in being ultra-lileral have lost their distinctive identity as a race. They are taught from childhood that all religions lead to the same goal and that the teachings of all the religions of the world in essence and original intent are the same. This takes the Hindu off-guard where the Muslim or the Christian strikes. Accordingly, when it comes to marriage, the Hindu does not hesitate to convert to Islam to preserve his or her love. The Hindu knows that despite conversion he will be able to pursue his faith in the newly acquired Islamic faith. His idea is that after all all religions speak of the same truth. Indeed, these illusions are soon dispelled as to his horror he discovers the trap that had been laid out for him before marriage into which he has now fallen and there is no way out of it. This is especially more tragic for Hindu girls who in marriage to Muslim men are made to convert to Islam. This is the most ingenious and vicious way of domination over the Hindu womb to curtail Hindu population while using Hindu girls to add to the Muslim population of the world.
The question arises then as to what may be the solution to this seemingly intractable problem. Certain measures will have to be adopted which will strengthen Hindu solidarity and repulse all proselytising attacks on Hindus by Muslims and Christians. They are being provided below.
1. Hindus 🕉 must study Swami Vivekananda extensively.
2. They should be made aware of the most fundamental tenets of Islam ☪️.
3. Hindus 🕉 must vow to never convert to Islam or Christianity under whatever conditions or situations they may find themselves in.
4. Everyday Hindus 🕉 must chant the 'Svadesh Mantra' of Swamiji.
5. Hindus 🕉 must be taught to reason and rationalise and be scientific so that irrational propositions of Islam and Christianity may never move them to subscribe to these religions.
6. Hindus must treat each other well and must give up all discriminating caste notions. The whole of Hindu 🕉 society must be one solid mass with variations sure but not divisive differences. Mutual sympathy is the greatest welder of societal solidarity and will keep the Hindu society together.
7. Gaining in economic strength must not be at the cost of character. Hindus must be taught to value their dharma traditions more and under no circumstance relinquish them to gain economic advantage. Moreover, well-off Hindus 🕉 must practise charity towards economically disadvantaged Hindus so that the latter may not be lured into converting to Christianity ✝️ by economic inducements from the Evangelical Christian clergy.
8. Hindus must all chant the Gayatri Mantra till they have had spiritual initiation from a qualified and spiritually advanced Guru. There must be no brahmanical bar to the Gayatri. It is a Vedic 🕉 mantra for one and all.
9. Hindu religious institutions must be supported financially and otherwise in their endeavours to vivify Hindu 🕉 society.
10. Sanskrit 🕉 must be introduced into the school curriculum forthwith. Sanskrit colleges and universities must be given abundant government and corporate patronage.
11. Prodigal Hindus 🕉 wishing to return to the Mother Faith from Islam ☪️ or Christianity ✝️ must be embraced with open arms. No expiation need be required of them. Their return to the Sanatan Dharma must be made easy. All facilities must be afforded them and easy station in society made possible so that they experience no difficulty whatsoever in adjusting to the new life-situation. There must be cultural greasing in a manner that no undue friction is faced by them.
12. Hindus must not vote for anti-Hindu political parties. That is the most dangerous thing for the future survival of Hindus in this land which was the birthplace of the Sanatan Dharma 🕉. As it is, Pakistan, the seat of the Indus Valley and the Vedic civilisations, has wiped out Hinduism from its polity. Bangladesh, the seat of Buddhism and Vaishnav Hinduism has almost eliminated Hindu influence en masse. Hence, West Bengal, the Northeast, Kerala and the rest of India right till Jammu and Kashmir must be saved for the Hindus to practise their dharma peacefully.
Upon the survival of Hindus and Hinduism depends the survival of India.🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
P.S. Yes, counter-conversion from Islam ☪️ to the Sanatan Dharma 🕉 will not be easy. It will need systematic preaching of the principles of Hinduism in absolutely simple terms by well-qualified and proficient speakers with abundant spiritual power and force of character. Unfortunately, the present lot of Hindu preachers are largely mercenaries and are doing Hinduism not much good other than holding their flock to them by offering mumbo-jumbo in the name of the dharma. What we need is a dedicated organisation of well-trained speakers who are also spiritually enlivened persons themselves through regular practice of yoga. Then their words will carry weight, their personality draw people to them and their spiritualilty induce others to accepting Hinduism 🕉. There has to be organisation, planning and execution of this grand mission with the broad liberalism of the Vedanta and the fanatical zeal of the proselytising dualist, the twain blended beautifully in a harmonious whole.
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