Thursday 11 November 2021



Selfless love is a rare phenomenon in this world of selfish dreams where every action is motivated by the desire for sensory gratification. Love which is selfless is in essence spiritual and is the emotional overflow from the pure heart of a person who has already attained fullness of the being and desires no more than inseparable proximity of the divine beloved. There the ego has been dissolved in the rising consciousness along the spinal channel, the sushumna through which the kulakundalini or the coiled-up consciousness rises, tier by tier, till it reaches the heart-centre in the anahata chakra before ascending to meet the beloved in the ajna chakra between the brows in a flood of cascading bliss. Further on the twain unite in dissolving duality in the infinitude of the unitary being in the sahasrara chakra where a thousand lotuses bloom at once to welcome the entwined lovers before melting in the fused consciousness of the absolute. Silence reigns as the cosmic sport is over.

Written by Sugata Bose

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