I do not believe monks and devotees meditate and chant regularly and read Swamiji with attention. Neither do they live frugal lives as Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda have exhorted them to do. Too much of laxity has crept in, too much of self-indulgence. If they did follow sincerely the divine duo, we would not have had such a mass of cowardly monks and lay devotees that a minority of miscreants can run away with any mischief, any amount of violence against Hindus in the name of their totalitarian and intolerant to the extreme religion.
Regular practice of spiritual exercises and the observance of purity and truth make one fearless. But I find the lot of my online associates and my acquaintances otherwise extremely cowardly. They fear to voice their free opinion on Islamic violence against Hindus 🕉. They freely criticise the Hindus but choose to remain mute spectators to Islamic atrocities on them 🕉.
We were not such a cowardly race before. Debilitated we were, true, by conquest on account of disunity, jealous of each other as is the attribute of a declining polity but never quite so cowardly as now. What is the matter with us? What has gone wrong and where? Where lies the solution? I ask you all to question yourself thus and come up with solutions, both on the individual front and in the collective scenario of the polity.
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo : courtesy, Vraja Mohana
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