Sunday 28 November 2021



Surface treatment will not do. The disease is deep and doctrinaire. The ideological war must be won. Like a pack of loosened cards this toxic house will then totter to its precipitous fall. Here work must be done. 

No more must falsities from Hindu monastic organisations be entertained. They are doing Hindus 🕉 the gravest harm by not only refusing to expose these toxic systems of religious practice in the name of attempting harmony of religions but by positively endorsing them as valid paths to spiritual perfection which they are patently not. Hindus 🕉 must no more be cheated by these home propagators of untruth. They must take to the serious study of these toxic scriptures that work virally against Hindu 🕉 interests and in consequence against national interest.

Knowledge is power. Only when Hindus are equipped in the correct understanding of these pernicious thought systems that are aimed at the destruction of all civilisational  values will they realise what a grave danger they are in as a people with their spiritual culture under the threat of extinction and they themselves remaining under siege now for thirteen centuries whose mounting cost they have been paying ever since the fall of Hindu Sindh in 712 C.E.

Written by Sugata Bose

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