Superb, succinct statement, a pithy, perfect picturisation of a perverse people's perversion proliferating through progressive generational relayed transmission. Where lies the hope? It is in breaking the bondage of indoctrination by banning text that tortures the thinking mind by stifling thought itself in the form of forced submission to the imaginary supreme being which then proceeds to pervade the entire mind-space and develop demons out of divinities.
Europe had once to struggle for centuries against such theocratic stranglehold and liberalism won the day amidst a deluge of blood and broken bodies. The fight has now spread to Asia and especially the Indian subcontinent, the epicentre of this doctrinaire diabolism. Britain aided and abetted this movement but cannot be held responsible for its doctrinaire content which arose elsewhere beyond British bounds.
The toxic ideology must be combated square on and humanised. Else, India has a worse sufferance to endure. India will thwart this threat eventually as she has with limited success done in the past even as her own age-old cultural space has thereby diminished and her global humanistic influence dwindled. But this time it shall be different as her newly awakened cultural consciousness will ensure a complete conversion of this corrosive consequence to a Vedantic elevation. The task ahead is tough but it must and will be accomplished. It's now a matter of time and order coming through impending chaos.
Written by Sugata Bose
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