Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : These YouTube videos will get greater currency on your timeline than in the comment section of my posts.
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Have you read the whole piece? I have edited and enlarged it and in the process evolved to see Mujib in a newer light.
Sugata Bose @Debashis Ghosh : What you meant by 'no' was not clear to me. Nonetheless, I edited the word 'Islamist' which was in all probability inappropriate in linguistic terms when applied to Shaikh Mujibur Rahman. Thank you for unintentionally, perhaps, guiding me to a more approximate understanding of the factual truth. The truth in incontrovertible terms, though, is still not apparent to me. I need to research more before I can come to terms with this early phase of Mujib's pre-Partition political life.
Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : It is necessary to support this initiative of Riya Bhattacharya and Nilanjana Chakraborty who are both making an earnest effort to propagate the Sanatan Dharma by making daily posts on Swamiji.
Sugata Bose @Atmabholananda Swami : আর এই অধ্যাত্মসাধনসহায়ে চরিত্রগঠন ও বলবীর্যলাভের দ্বারাই হিন্দুসংহতিরক্ষা ও বহিরাগত হিন্দুবৈরী ধর্মগুলির হিন্দধর্মবিনাশকারী উদ্দেশ্য ও উদ্যোগ হতে নিজেদের বলিষ্ঠ সুরক্ষাপ্রদানে সক্ষম হব ।
Sugata Bose @YouTube - Hindu Lives Matter : সঞ্চালক মহাশয়, আপনি অনুষ্ঠানের শেষে নমস্কার না করে ইসলামী আদাপ অথবা সামরিক সেলুউট করেন কেন ? হিন্দু সংস্কৃতি মানলে আরো মানানসই হয় । আশা করি সেইমত সংশোধন করে নেবেন ভবিষ্যতের অনুষ্ঠানগুলিতে এই বিদায় অভিবাদন ।
Sugata Bose @Facebook friends : Many readers could not read this invaluable piece by Dhan Gopal Mukhopadhyaya. So, I have re-posted the piece to that advantage whereby all may get the chance to read it.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Read these lines daily, Nilanjana, and absorb the courage which Swamiji speaks of. Then alone will this post find fruition. Alas, not one do I find who has courage enough to speak the truth and act by it! Most are mercenaries who are sold to money or to other variants of self-interest. The rest are titular devotees of little consequence who cannot muster energy or courage of conviction or moral fibre to stand up and fight for justice, truth and fairplay in a world of horrendous iniquities.
Sugata Bose @Hindu Lives Matter (YouTube Channel) : Why do you do that Islamic Adaap or martial salute at the end of your show while saying 'Namaskar'? Namaskar is not said that way as you well know. It is said with folded hands. Please follow the Hindu 🕉 custom on your channel while making the Hindu 🕉 greeting or farewell gesture. That would be more in keeping with the spirit of the channel as also more in line with the ritual greeting as is traditionally the practice. You did it right when you began your show but reverted queerly to the reverse mode at the end. Please do not do so next time onwards. It will add solidarity to your movement, truth in practical terms to your gesture and spiritual grace to the greeting when it is done the way it was originally intended and the way it has ever been done by Hindus. Otherwise, people may even think you are a Muslim or a martial man bearing a different demeanour altogether. Anyhow, I believe things ought to be done the proper way for them to be in tune with the spirit of the gestures involved.
Sugata Bose @Hindu Lives Matter (YouTube Channel) Why do you salute at the end of your show when you are the anchor of a channel which is called 'Hindu Lives Matter'? This is the Islamic Adaap of the martial salute but not the Namaskar which you ought to always do by way of adherence to Hindu culture? This is rather incongruous for your channel and not quite in keeping with the spirit of Hinduism and Hindu culture. Kindly revert to the Namaskar mode.
Sugata Bose @Biswadip Biswas : I am doing my bit. You do yours. And in this way the movement will build up and throw up its mass leader. Right now we have in Swami Vivekananda that leader. Let us follow his lead and bring about significant changes in our individual lives and small changes in the collective life which shall in time coalesce to effect vast shifts in society.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : But the return of this daughter back to the Sanatan Dharma 🕉 is from Christianity ✝️ and not Islam ☪️ which is a deal more difficult for it amounts to apostasy which is punishable by death under the Sharia and in non-Islamic nations still drawing a great deal of social opposition from within the Muslim ☪️ community. Christianity after the European Renaissance, Reformation and the Enlightenment is completely amenable to its adherents leaving its fold. Not so Islam which dogmatically opposes it and hurls on the heretics all its toxic darts.
Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : There are more sinister designs which are being pursued, my friend, being inspired and impelled by this pernicious prophecy of the Ghazwa-e-Hind, perfidious programmes from unsuspecting quarters which, if fulfilled, would annihilate Hindus 🕉 and free Hindustan of Hindus and Hinduism. In 1930 nobody expected the Partition of India, courtesy the Muslims. Yet, within 17 years it had become a roguish reality. In a like manner not many are realising today the extreme danger our country faces from Islamic Jihadis en masse. But within a a few decades the situation could become so grim that India could splinter from the onslaught of millions of mutineers from without and within whose greater loyalty is to the Islamic Ummah than to the motherland.
Sugata Bose @Vaskar Dutta : Ghazwa-e-Hind is the prophecy ascribed to Muhammad about future conquest of India and all its terrible consequences for the idolatrous infidel (kuffar), the polytheist pagan, the Hindu 🕉.
Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : 'ISKCON, despite its pronouncedly exclusive approach to God and Truth...' It has been mentioned in the post. But in the larger interests of combating exclusive Islam ☪️ and exclusive Christianity ✝️ it is necessary to show solidarity with even an exclusive Vedic tradition of the order of Neo-Vaishnavism. Hence, the mention, not that I personally agree with any of their dogmatic stances on spirituality. But they do not kill like the Islamists or are otherwise violent like the extreme Evangelical Christians.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : What I don't like about these pieces are the captions that are given them. They are a bit off the mark in terms of the content of these exquisite lectures of Swamiji and his biographical narration. I have in my translation work on Swami Yatishwarananda faced a similar editorial predicament at the hands of the Ramakrishna Mission where to my great annoyance I noticed captions given to my writing, without of course taking me into confidence, and indiscriminately slashing chunks of written material as it pleased the editor. The result was a desecration of prose, a diminution of its aesthetic appeal, and wholesale loss of episodes in narration and the seamless continuity of narrative. Would it were that the monks who edit such writings were better equipped for the job literally (pun intended)!
Sugata Bose @YouTube Neeraj Atri : Don't make a show of how much each donor-questioner is giving. It is indecent and improper. It will reduce your goodwill and make people like me believe that commerce motivates you to do these videos rather than pure love of the dharma and svadesh. Also, begin your opening namaste in a softer, more agreeable tone, lower pitched and not resembling the aggressive Rajiv Malhotra tone quite.
Sugata Bose @Anandhi Venkatraman : Yet Partition took place. One Jinnah could upset the Avatar's undivided citadel powered by Islamic tenets, Muslim adherence to such and Hindu ignorance of Islamic scriptural injunctions and motivations thereof.
Sugata Bose @সৈয়দা সাজ্জাদা রহমান জলি : হিন্দুর, তথা সংখ্যালঘুবর্গের সুরক্ষায় বিজয়োৎসব পালিত হ'ক |
Sugata Bose @YouTube Neeraj Atri : Do not be so aggressive in saying 'Namaste' because that is an irreverent way of showing reverence to the Divinity within the addressed person and therefore contrary to the apparent intent.
Sugata Bose @YouTube Neeraj Atri : The initial 'Namaste' ought to be real reverent so that it creates immediately a purified atmosphere and enhances the goodwill of the channel. But your work is really praiseworthy, a seminal effort in nation-building and defence of the Dharma.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : Please join hands with me in actively raising our motherland to her pristine glory, in saving her age-old spiritual civilisation from imminent destruction at the hands of inimical, medieval, barbaric forces and decadent, modern, materialist elements.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : This is a piece of advice that must be offered by people who dare fight the foe in the first place, not by people who watch proceedings from the sidelines while the nation perishes or rises at the cost of the blood of others, all the while seeking the benefit of such rise, though, despite easy abstinence from discharge of divine duty expected of them. And when the nation falls on account of their negligence in such discharging of duty, the sin and suffering thereof accrue on them to crushing consequence. This oft-quoted verse becomes the brave like Krishna and not the commoner of least sympathy for the valiant doer of things.
Sugata Bose @পিয়ালী মুখার্জী : Yes, and that is a regrettable state of things, fit only for a polity of petty petitioners of mercy to the Divine while the same suffers in a myriad garb abject misery at the hands of hoodlums and thugs. Sympathy was not, sympathy still isn't and who knows whether sympathy shall ever be. Meanwhile, men suffer, women suffer, children and the aged all suffer while devotion to the Divine assumes delightful diversions in distant safe-play as you rightly say.
Sugata Bose @Sadhguru : No, you must not escape the law of the land by leaving it. You must stay on and face the consequences. Also, you must not threaten others with your capacity to file cases against them with twenty year defence consequences. That is most unbecoming of someone who poses to be a Sadhguru but is in point of fact an inadvertent admission of who you truly are. It is quite a shame that our countrymen elevate to almost demigod status such men as you are who lack fundamental civility in civic discourse in a country that enshrines democratic dialogue as an essential feature of its social interaction.
Sugata Bose @Swami Nirbhayananda : Right, Maharaj. This person has earlier also made up stories on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. The story is Jaggi Vasudev's concoction. He has not read Ramakrishna-Vivekananda well. No such incident has been chronicled in any authentic Ramakrishna-Vivekananda book. This person uses Ramakrishna-Vivekananda to suit his commercial ends but has not the basic sincerity to read through Ramakrishna-Vivekananda literature thoroughly. If these people become the leaders of the Hindu 🕉 polity, we have a fine case at hand to expect the descent of the Divine to redress the decadence of the Age of which this pretentious Guru is but the tip of the iceberg, for there are deeper diseases that are eating into the vitals of human society today.
Sugata Bose @Dipankar Paul : But I have always done so. Only now I am doing so with greater intent as I am now more conscious of the political intention of the adversary who is bent upon the destruction of Hindus 🕉 and Hinduism. Thanks for your support and help me spread the message. But I must say that the general apathy, even antipathy, of Hindus 🕉 towards Hindu welfare in terms of gaining knowledge of the situation and the defence thereof baffles me. I am pained by this self-destructive tendency of the Hindus 🕉. As for your observation, I guess, you are right in the sense that most of my posts are on my profile wall and not here on my page. Here, mainly posts on classical Swami Vivekananda stuff, strictly apolitical as per Ramakrishna Mission tradition, I have made whereas on my profile all other stuff as well have found residence. Thus, it has to you rightly seemed as a departure in the trend of posts and a welcome homecoming for me. And thank you again for welcoming me nonetheless.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : But does 'militant' not mean combative or fighting?
Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : But that is a linguistic usage. The English language is nuanced and must be understood to be so. Even Swamiji has been referred to as having been a militant monk by many well-meaning authors.
Sugata Bose @Biswadip Biswas : Where's the difficulty in developing defence of the Dharma despite democracy?
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Hilarious stuff. Watch it. But a disgusting, arrogant, unrepentant person Salman Khurshid is. He is in the interview totally exposed, his motivations laid bare as he shamelessly hops about defending badly the indefensible, using lame logic of sorts, outright lies and outrageous remarks which are most unbecoming of a gentleman that I had thus far assumed him to be to my own shame. The moderator ought to have checked Khurshid when he dared to insult a questioner from the audience. Arrogance such as this is tolerated only by the Hindus 🕉. Khurshid would not dare say such things against Islam. His very aggressive, out of context remarks prove his hollowness of argument. He represents the Congress and is speeding its doom. Sad to see such an erudite scholar sinking to such an abysmally low level to carry out whatever agenda he may be having.
Sugata Bose @DrSanghamitra Chakrabarti : You may entertain your ideas. That is your individual prerogative. But surely Swamiji thought otherwise. Mere erudition does not lead to spiritual experience. For that due diligence along prescribed lines of spiritual sadhana (practice) is necessary along with the right observance of continence. Then alone one gets what is called 'aparokshaanubhuti' (immediate experience) which makes one realise the validity of the dharma. P. S. I invite anti-Hindu 🕉 Bengali atheist pseudo-intellectuals to get an idea of what Swami Vivekananda has taught about the rudiments of the Sanatan Dharma.
Sugata Bose @
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