Sunday, 14 November 2021

সোনার বাংলা ... ২

সোনার বাংলা ... ২

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মানুষ, মানুষ হন, চোখের জল ফেলুন, তারপর প্রতিবাদে সোচ্চার হন | কুবুদ্ধিজীবি বিশ্বাসঘাতকের দল, দূরে থাকুন | সাধু, গৃহী, সকলে সচেতন হন, আত্মপ্রচার, স্বার্থচিন্তা ছেড়ে বৃহৎ হিন্দুসমাজের ঐক্যসাধনে যত্নবান হন, হিন্দুর 🕉 সংরক্ষণে তৎপর হন |


Much is said about Bangabandhu but when he was a young man, he himself was an Islamist who forced Partition on Mother India. (Refer 'The Great Calcutta Killing' of 16 August, 1946 followed by the two and a half month long Noakhali genocide of Hindus 🕉 by separatist Muslims.) Today's Bangladesh is his creation. It is but natural that despite a late realisation on his part of the significance of secular and socialist principles of a sort in a modern, emerging nation's life, the seeds that he had with Jinnah and Suhrawardy sown in the heart of severed India (read East Pakistan) are now fructifying in the toxic harvest of Islam in the classical scriptural sense. There is no respite for non-Muslims now in a state sliding precipitously to medieval theocratic absolutism.

Cause always 'breeds its sure effect'. So is it happening with the ethnic cleansing of Hindus 🕉 and other minorities now in Bangladesh. What remains to be seen is the final act of this dastardly drama where the genocide of Hindus 🕉 is but the prelude to more sinister developments.

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. : Islam is being practised in its original political intent in Bangladesh in real earnest. So, Bangladesh is in real danger of degenerating into an Islamic state soon. It is all too evident and it does not require astuteness of political acumen to discern the theocratic trend. The signs are loud and clear even as the jihadi declarations of the Huzoors (Islamic clerics) in Bangladesh's celebrated Waz Mehfils. The world, beware !

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