Thursday 4 November 2021



People out of their goodness are wishing me 'Happy Diwali !' But unhappy am I, concerned at the plight of Hindus 🕉 worldwide. May this Deepavali make a true Hindu 🕉 out of you whose heart shall throb to the misery of any Hindu 🕉 anywhere in the world !

Shed frivolity. Be valorous. Learn about your own religion, the grand Sanatan Dharma, and about other religions that have harmed the cause of the Hindus throughout history and continue to do so even to this day despite the best friendship and favours that the Hindus 🕉 have offered them, afforded them. May Mother Kali make real men and women out of you who shall not quake in fear at the sight of the enemy but shall dauntless face the evil in the defence of the Dharma and in the defence of the Mother manifested as our People, as our Motherland. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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