Sunday 9 June 2019



Tyranny comes from concentration of power, either through demographics or through mandate. In a democracy one must be wary of both, especially, when political ideology masquerades as religion and religious ideology is the bedrock of politics.

Religion and politics are a volatile mix and in the interests of democratic sanity must be kept apart. Else, destructive fissures will obtain in the polity leading to secessionist tendencies which, once gone out of control, will be difficult to contain or overcome. The result is not hard to imagine -- the balkanisation of the motherland which the enemies of India would always want for obtaining political hegemony in the region.

Must we allow it? Never. Therefore, we must rise as an enlightened citizenry to resist minority appeasement or majoritarianism and work unitedly towards making India a modern nation state where religion is strictly separated from politics and heritage preserved through both private endeavour and governmental patronage which, however, must be entirely cultural and strictly apolitical so that electoral mileage is not obtained from it.

Preservation of culture, protection of heritage, sustenance of diversity in social life -- all these must feature in the government's administrative agenda of non-election times and cannot be allowed to become part of a party's manifesto for fighting an election. Economic welfare, environment protection, social justice, education, housing, food, water -- all these must be prioritised and made the only points of reference by way of election campaigning.

There must be no reservation for any section of society but there must be need-based development of all. The terms 'minority' and 'majority' must no more be brought into the public discourse for there is but one India and all such are the equal citizens of the State. Citizenship must be the preeminent feature of all Indians and the spirit of the Constitution, which is daily violated most by politicians who clamour maximum in its name, must be observed. In it lies the welfare of this nation of diverse cultural adaptations and in it lies the seed of its future efflorescence, its future fruition as an ancient civilisation emerging in modern times with a message of its own -- universal peace and harmony based on the divinity of all of sentience.

Vande Mataram ! Jai Hind !

Written by Sugata Bose

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