Sunday 30 June 2019



The vast mass of ignorant humanity is sunk in the superstition and fear of an intolerant God who promises heaven for good deeds done and punishes with hell-fire for deeds that do not please Him. Fear begets greater evil than the so-called unrighteous deeds. Hence, it is time to cast aside such a God who instils fear into the hearts of His devotees in order to exact the perennial price of His lordship over His created beings. Better atheism and self-belief than submission to the dictates of such a God.

Stand aside and assert your freedom. This is the way ahead and the only way humanity may be lifted fast unto its rightful status as a thinking species that ought not to subscribe to such archaic scriptural prescriptions, such arbitrary injunctions of so-called messengers of God. Arise and shed this veil that hangs heavy over your eyes, and look around to discover your long-lost freedom. Do this and I call you a man. Otherwise, you are not worth being dubbed so, for in the revolt against untruth and superstition lies the manifestation of manhood, the expression of one's inner sublimity of being. Ponder this and make the necessary change in your lives.

Written by Sugata Bose

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