Tuesday, 25 June 2019


1. পূর্বপুরুষকে ভুলবেন না | ওটি আত্মবিস্মৃতির প্রথম লক্ষণ |

2. The truth about Netaji cannot be established by men who themselves are not in truth. Truth fosters courage. Whither courage?

3. Attempts to superficially harmonise conflicting religions will never work.They are pretentious, puerile, insincere and hypocritical.

4. The poor are God's goats sacrificed at the block so that the privileged few may savour the delicacies of life. Fair play, indeed !

5. Nature is so disciplined and we derive all its benefits but chose to while away our lives in indolence.

6. Laziness cannot arrive at excellence. Genius is comprehensive creative labour of love.

7. Upon the suffering of billions of poor people rests the luxury of the rich.

8. Fame is a noxious appendage to one's self as it deprives one of fundamental civility that is born out of selflessness otherwise.

9. Sugata Bose : I write as I ought to, as one who carves castles on the seashore of life while the waves splash past with their salty deposits.

[Sharmistha Chatterjee : Even carving sand castle ,ready to be washed away by the sea waves requires great skills of creativity.
You create and re-create only to bask in the joy of
Even God creates , but we all meet our end in death.
"ফুল সে হাসিতে হাসিতে ঝরে,
জোছনা হাসিয়া মিলায়ে যায়
হাসিতে হাসিতে আলোক সাগরে
আকাশের তারা তেয়াগে কায়

10. The mind must be raised to a level higher than the mundane. This is the prerequisite for spirituality.

11. This earthly life is equipoised and the balance of forces ideal for attaining perfection.

12. Evening meditation on the yaman reveals the pastoral Krishna in full bloom.

13. Continuous improvement of one's personality and performance should be striven for instead of seeking public adulation n adoration.

14. Strengthen Hinduism by being regular with your spiritual practices.

15. Love is a rare emotion of the cultivated heart which all think they possess abundantly but few truly do so.

[Sharmistha Chatterjee : LOVE evolves and there is a kind of porosity that allows love to filter and finally connects it with the eternal and infinite where nothing remains for self but everything is THYSELF and FOR THYSELF.]

16. We can never think of others around us because we are so preoccupied with ourselves.

17. Was not Nehru a more gifted writer than Netaji?

18. 'Vande Mataram' is a more poetic and endearing greeting than 'Jai Hind' which is rather prosaic and lacking in lyricism.

19. The Bangladesh Govt. should greatly assist in the spread of Hinduism there. Bangladeshi Muslims must come forward to achieve it.

20. The Ramakrishna Mission ought to approach all Islamic nations to allow them to open centres for the propagation of the Vedanta.


There is no God beyond me who will look after me. I will have to look after myself. This simple statement of fact is a major point to learn in life.

Written by Sugata Bose

22. One pure person is worth a million preachers.

23. Dogs are kicked. Human beings are kicked, too. Dogs are kept as pets, and so are humans.

24. The decline of culture in the average household is spelling the doom of society at large.

25. Stop believing, challenge authority, realise through self-experience.

26. The greater the freedom in a society, the brighter the possibility of human evolution there.

27. Through the chaos and strife we see in the world, a new civilisation is coming into being, exactly as Vivekananda had envisaged.

28. A thinker must be neutral. His fact-finding, analysis and inference must be evidence-based, objective and unbiased.

29. Are the conspiracy theories about Netaji believable? Do most of them not seem to be a bit far-fetched, a trifle outlandish?

30. A dictatorial political party does not last long. Its decadence n demise are inevitable as the dictator rots in power-drunkenness.

31. Stop brainwashing children with irrational faith ideology, dubious doctrines admixed with prospective heavenly bliss or hell-fire.

32. If hating followers of other faiths has the sanction of your scripture, ought you still not to love them?

33. Polarise the polity and face your doom in the coming elections. The reaction to attempting this electoral division is certain.

34. When they have arms, they kill with arms ; when they have stones, they hurl them. But why? Where lies the solution?

35. Which is the only religion that accepts all religions as true?

36. The strengthening of Hinduism is the only hope in a world challenged by exclusive faith doctrines and fanatical ideology.

37. Nehru's literary style was more poetic than Netaji's, although, Netaji's textual content and analysis was deeper.

38. God bless Nusrat Jahan! She has done what in the days to come millions of women will do. And I add on my heartiest blessings, too.

39. All laws governing mankind everywhere are man-made. Even those that go by as God's laws are all man-made.

40. There is a churn going on in the Indian Islamic world. Let it lead to a liberalising of their society.

41. We, as a people, must be more disciplined in our thinking.That will discipline our national conduct n enable us to perform better.

42. The slightest entry of victorious egotism can spell disaster in a future game. After India's last victory this has been the case.

43. Must television advertising necessarily be conducted on a foolish, irrational basis assuming that potential buyers are tomfools?

44. ধনতন্ত্রের অর্থলোলুপতা অবতারের 'টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা'র পরিপন্থি | প্রধানমন্ত্রীর বানিজ্যবিষয়ক অতিআগ্রহ ভারতের সনাতন ঐতিহ্যবিরোধী |

45. দেশে অবিদ্যাশক্তির প্রভাব কমাতে হবে | তবে দেশের প্রকৃত উন্নতি হবে | এখন অবিদ্যাশক্তিরই জয়জয়াকার |

46. From where can we learn truthfulness in this world? Truth tailored to self-interest is untruth itself. Where lies the hope?

47. Why does the Ramakrishna Mission continue to omit Swami Nirmalananda's name from the list of Sri Ramakrishna's direct disciples?

48. Let every Hindu read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'.

49. A hundred valorous men are worth more than a disorganised mob. Hence, rationalise your self n arise to the defence of the dharma.

50. There is but one way to address the worsening situation of the Hindus n it is to practise religiously the principles of Hinduism.

51. The gradual demographic imbalance setting in several parts of India seriously threatens Hindu security. Hindus, awake !

52. Christianity must shed its theological bigotry and only preach the enlightening message of the Messiah which is universal.

53. The spread of Buddhism in the world is necessary as is the propagation of Hinduism. Only then can Islamic intolerance be combated.

54. All the dharma traditions of India must unite to resist Islamic intolerance n conversion. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs unite !

55. Constantly chant your Ishta Mantra to strengthen the Sanatan Dharma and resist its erosion by proselytising Islam and Christianity.

56. Every Hindu must take it upon himself to defend his dharma against all proselytising attempts made by Islam and Christianity.

57. All Hindus ought to blow the conch-shell at full volume at dusk to announce that it is time to pray.

58. The media gains TRP at the cost of the nation's welfare by publicising sensational news to the exclusion of worthwhile news.

59. Wasting Parliament's time by raising ruckus. Is this the way the people's representatives work for people's welfare?

60. If school children misbehaved the way Parliamentarians do to stall proceedings, they would be thrown out of their schools.

61. Partition nearly took Bengal away from us. What eventually was salvaged of it in the form of West Bengal was entirely due to Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee.

62. We celebrate friendship with Bangladesh. But it was carved out of India by bloody violence. [Great Calcutta Killing, Noakhali Riots.]

63. Muslim women will bring about the revolution within the Indian Islamic society that will obtain them their legitimate rights.

64. Feel disturbed in work and sleep five times a day over the blaring loudspeaker. Upsets concentration, induces distraction.

65. I'm not a Muslim.Then why must I be subjected to the call for prayer over the loudspeaker 5 times a day that upsets my work n rest?

66. Being woken up at 4 a.m. by the Azaan isn't funny, nor being deluged by the Sankeertan, both over blaring loudspeakers.

67. How long must man crawl before a tyrannical Creator who keeps His creatures in servile fearfulness? Reject such a God and assert your freedom.

68. Where are my moderate Muslim friends on Facebook coming to the defence of Nusrat Jahan Ruhi Jain? Why are they silent now?

69. Devotion demands nothing, offers everything.

70. Humility is essential to sustained success, for egotism spoils it all and reduces man to the sensate selfish level, despoiling him of all attainment save the massive adornment of abysmal failure.

71. Belated but heartiest and happiest returns of your birthday, Gungun. May you find peace and fulfilment in life ! My best wishes.

72. Let culture flourish. Let individual effort usher in an elevated environment for greater humanity to prosper.

73. Wet matchsticks won't burn.Seems hopeless at times,this witnessing the human scenario.Rare is the aspirant for the spiritual life.

74. You must have fire in your words if you wish to preach the message of the Vedanta. Else, dilution will spoil it all.

75. The best way to build our country will be to spread massively the message of Swami Vivekananda among high-school children.

76. Soft paralysing music must be discouraged as the nation aspires to manhood. All forms of artistic debility must be shunned now.

77. The whole thrust of the Hindu's religion is how to see God. He must see God at any cost. This is the gist of the Hindu mentality.

78. Study Sanskrit.

79. Swamiji has exhorted the whole nation to go for the study of Sanskrit so that they may be rightful heirs to the national heritage.

80. I wish that some people will join me in the movement to spread the message of Swamiji by first actualising it in their own lives.

81. Let all infatuation with impermanent life be dashed to pieces and peace reign in unfolding renunciation of the ephemeral fancies of the delusive self.

82. There is great benefit in reading the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Please join me in this crusade to spread his message.

83. @Sunanda Kar, please read regularly 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'. It will greatly benefit you. If you wish to contact me, you may let me know, and I will further deliberate on this issue.

84. It is necessary to extricate Hinduism from the hands of charlatans and quack Gurus and present its undiluted message before humanity.

85. How will Hinduism prosper if so many fraudulent Gurus are deluding the masses and directing their minds on to wrong channels?

86. If only Vivekananda was preached more among the students and the youth, half of India's problems would be solved overnight.

87. Talk only Ramakrishna-Vivekananda with friends and associates. This is highly beneficial for spiritual progress. Avoid all other talk.


Keep your vernacular as close as possible to its original form devoid of the frequent interspersing of words from foreign languages. Sanskritise your diction.

89. Imran Khan states that Pakistan is not wearing bangles. True, its bangles have all been smashed by the Balakot Airstrike.

90. Islam tries to convert the Hindus to its fold. Let Hinduism spread throughout the subcontinent by way of reverse flow.

91. Read about Ghazwa-e-Hind and draw your own conclusions about inter-faith peace and harmony. Vedanta is the only way out.

92. The Sanatan Dharma reigned in Akhanda Bharatvarsha and so shall it reign in the future.Have unbounded faith in you divine destiny.

93. Be practising Hindus, pure and pious, and not mere verbal ones, insincere and indolent.

94. India must unite under the banner of the Sanatan Dharma which is its life-blood, its integrating force, its very soul.

95. The times are propitious. The Vedanta must flood the remotest corners of the world and usher in global peace and goodwill.

96. আমি হৃদয়হীনকে নাস্তিক বলি, হৃদয়বানকে বলি আস্তিক | মানুষের মাঝে খুঁজি আমার ভগবান |

97. এত আলো চারিদিকে, তবু অন্ধকার | আলো কই ?

98. Improvement of diction is a sine qua non of good education.

99. Practicality and idealism must strike a balance for efficient functioning in life.

100. The desperate thing about life is that we are so powerless to alter the course of things past, so weak that we can hardly cater to the problems of the day with a sufficiency that makes life more bearable for the teeming millions who toil in vain to meet the challenges of life and die daily like beasts of burden whose blood-spilling labour builds up the edifice of our vaunted civilisation. We are powerless, indeed, to alter the state of things despite our tall talk of civilisation and culture, for complex are the problems that confront the world, complicated its mechanisms of change in the teeth of huge inertia of the decadent past, the baggage of outdated mores and norms, monstrous ideas of medieval times that throttle civilisation as they hold it in their unyielding death-grip. These will have to be overcome, subjugated, conquered if humankind is to rise to its fullest future possibilities. Herein lies the challenge which thus far man has failed miserably to meet up to, and herein will lie man's future glory, too, as he rises through the tide of times to a sufficiency of strength to be able to combat and conquer the odds of life. Right now, though, things are desperate, indeed, as humanity struggles through the present problematic state of terrestrial existence amid a sea of troubles, amidst a deluge of blood with a whole of lot of seemingly senseless human sacrifice that apparently knows no end. But brighter days will follow as winter makes way for blossoming spring and all will be sunshine again. So man hopes and so may the unfolding future bring to fruition its fairest promise that ever shines bright in the human heart.

100. Simplify the dharma, do not over-simplify it such that it loses its essential character which is deeply philosophical.

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