Friday, 21 June 2019



The best way to spread Hinduism is to practise its principles. One perfected person does greater work for the propagation of the dharma than an army of unrealised souls preaching without conviction or the power to carry home the message. Thus, the silent life working with individuals and transforming them does more for spiritual propagation than aggressive politics attempting it.

Governmental tinkering with religion is as reprehensible as governmental appeasement of minority religious communities for securing electoral advantages. Hindus have been traditionally converted by hordes to Islam and Christianity and a residuum of the process continues even today. This greatly threatens Hindu solidarity and is prospectively dangerous in the long run. 

Our motherland has suffered Partition once on the basis of religion and can ill-afford secession of parts of it again on such religious basis. Hence, this electoral politics that has been played out by political parties ever since independence which has used religion to divide India into vote-bank sections must be banned along with conversion from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity despite democratic objections citing freedom of political propaganda and freedom of religious choice being thus infringed upon, so to say. The former will lend secular solidarity to the polity while the latter will secure the demographic composition and ensure that erosion of numerical strength of the Hindus does not take place. This is a tall order to achieve and may be effected in the long run by the genuine propagation of the principles of the Sanatan Dharma in India and across the world.

If science could beat back the theocratic impositions of Christianity in Europe and save her from ignorance, so can the Sanatan Dharma save India and the world from theocratic impositions that today threaten its very survival in the wake of modern weaponry arming destructive Islamic nations like Pakistan.

The human face of evolution is slowly emerging from behind the clouds of archaic ignorance termed faith-based religions, as opposed to realisation-based philosophical systems which propose scientific verification of their enunciated principles. But the complexities of cultural distribution across the world will not allow easy transition from any phase of human evolution to its next and resolutions, therefore, keep on taking violent turns even today.

The past will not yield to the future and the present then becomes the battleground for force-resolution. Out of it emerges the face of humanity in greater manifestation and the hidden divinity shines through in incremental proportions. The process is not a simple progression and involves great risks of a return to barbarism whence humanity has fought to emerge into relative freedom and enlightenment. Hence, eternal vigilance is the key and enlightened propagation of Hinduism so very essential to help evolve humanity unto its eventual destination, the realisation of its inherent divinity climaxing in Self-realisation, the knowledge of the Atman, Brahman. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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