Tuesday 25 June 2019



Lip service is one and administrative delivery another. Let the latter take precedence over the former. The people cannot be fooled anymore. They have seen through the ploys political parties have adopted in the past and will take them in stride no more. Delivery on promises made is the key now.

The election manifestos may win the temporary confidence of the people for a party to gain the mandate, but if the proposed programmes outlined therein are not implemented, the party must now be prepared to be thrown out of power.

The young voters are vibrant, educated, intelligent and no-nonsense-takers. As their numbers swell, the present dispensation of roguish leaders, who are at the helm of affairs, need to take stock of their performance and deliver well on earlier lapses. Otherwise, they will be thrown lock, stock and barrel out of future political reckoning.

Now it is performance-based politics as is the market economy principle. Gone are the days of dynastic dispensations holding on to power and privilege at the terrible expense of the people.

The masses are asleep no more. They are awaking to their rightful status and will spare neither politician nor capitalist for their perfidious designs against the country. Politicians, beware !

May Mother show the way ! Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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