Friday, 21 June 2019



It is a spiritual exercise to feel the political pulse of a people. Then alone can one estimate the degree of decadence that has set in the polity in times turbulent as we are going through. Then alone can one adopt appropriate corrective measures to help reset the direction of the polity along wholesome channels which conduce to its progress and health.

To exclude thinking citizens from constructive political activity is akin to urging the revolutionaries fighting for freedom to abstain from such and to embrace the reclusive life of the ascetic. Hence, I do not propose to please anybody by refraining from making so-called political posts which may erode their reverence for me and shall continue to quicken citizens' consciousness about the political perfidies of the times which are ruining our State, both provincial and national.

I, as yet, maintain a strictly apolitical stance, despite my posts which are politically pertinent, and maintain complete neutrality in terms of my appraisal of situations obtaining in the nation. My mission is to kindle the latent divinity of the people of this land who shall bring about its resurgence, and this I shall fulfil in as many ethical ways as I may have at my disposal. Thus, for some of my readers to be surprised by the content of some of my recent posts, while expected, will, nonetheless, not deter me from following the course my consciousness prompts me to take now, considering the corrosive times we are traversing through.

I consider it my duty as a writer to quicken the consciousness of my people, I reiterate, and will hold myself culpable to gross failure in the discharge of my civic duties if I do not raise my voice against the perfidies of the times which, if unchecked, will have catastrophic consequences for our motherland. I write with neither favour prompting me nor fear holding me and my opinions I express in a completely non-partisan and objective way that I believe will conduce to the well-being of my motherland. Hence, my readers, give up your misgivings about my supposedly altered literary status --- for there is none that has occurred which I may report to you --- and continue to repose your erstwhile abundant faith in the wholesome intent of my literary expression.

Unto you then, this is my humble submission whereupon I seek your leave to ruminate on yet another idea brewing in my ever-fermenting brain. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you all ! Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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