Tuesday, 25 June 2019



Many among us have a tendency to leave statements incomplete and to move on to fresher ones. This is on account of the fast flow of ideas which gets the better of us, the latter conceptions drowning the earlier ones in the subconscious even as they themselves arise from the subconscious to gain prominence in the conscious plane. 

Those who have trained their minds to hold thought, escape this habit but seldom are they creative people of a high order. They are, more often than not, matter-of-fact rational people without any pronounced degree of artistic attribute adorning their personality. Their thought-flow is rationally ordered but is devoid of the emotional swings of spontaneous creativity which is what separates their way of talk from that of articulate gifted artists.

This, though, is not a universal law of articulate behaviour of a section of humans but is a sort of an attempted rationale for the incomplete utterances of many a creative personality of a high order. It has intrigued me to witness this tendency in many to high-fly through the realm of ideas, fast and brilliant, to the dazzle and dismay of the less endowed.

As regards the consistent incompleteness of utterances of the ordinary, it can be attributed only to their fair degree of fickleness in thinking.

Whatever it may be, though, fact it is that, from the common man to the genius, so many are affected by this habitual or induced or even inspired incompleteness in articulation. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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