Friday, 21 June 2019



Maharaj, modern research reveals that the Aryans never came from elsewhere but were indigenous people themselves. You very well know that the word 'Arya' means 'the elder one' or 'the respected one' and does not denote a race. Nowhere in the Vedas is there any mention of a mass migration of, so-to-say, Aryans from Central Asia into India. Swami Vivekananda categorically rejected this Aryan invasion theory and in no uncertain terms repudiated it, even cast sarcastic remarks against such pseudo European research aimed at undermining the greatness of indigenous Indian culture, so as to drive home the point into the minds of his brainwashed fellow countrymen.

That the theory still persists proves our lack of sensitivity to our own history and heritage and our gullible acceptance of everything westen as gospel truth. An aside here may I be permitted to indulge in and it is this that even their propagated Gospel is not gospel truth as such. I will at my convenience forward to you copious proofs that the Aryan invasion/immigration theory is a myth and needs effective countering by all concerned individuals and, more so, by collective effort as of the Ramakrishna Mission and the like.

It is unfortunate, though, that 'The Cultural Heritage of India' published by Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark, Kolkata, upholds the said immigration theory. This, I say, on the basis of the old edition of the 1980s that I have with me which says it to this effect. Whether subsequent editions have updated information and rectified earlier assertions, I am not aware of. But serious consideration must be afforded to this vital element of Indian history and the updated correct data must be provided for readers.

The issue needs our immediate attention along with a host of other historical heresies imposed on us by our erstwhile colonists and their cousins across the Continent, and all of these must be investigated, researched, material unearthed and the accurate history of our country written by Indian hands and not by the borrowed hands of the West, ever intent on reducing our culture and civilisation as not so glorious as would appear to be if the rightful chronicling of it were to be done in all fairness and adherence to truth.

Sorry for the long divergence of discussion, for the content of your post was of a different tenor altogether. But I could not help bringing this piece of information to your attention.

As regards the post proper, your pointer is pertinent. Wherever Christianity and Islam have travelled --- and they have hardly ever wandered as a pilgrim eager to learn from indigenous culture but have gone as cultural invaders with their perfidious proselytising intent --- they have desecrated and destroyed local culture and supplanted by fraud, force and by instilling fear their own brand of narrow medieval Middle Eastern culture and its European counterpart. The savagery they have unleashed on thriving indigenous cultures in the name of their God 'has sent civilisations' to despair, to pilfer the quote from Vivekananda's inaugural Chicago Speech. Resistance by locals has been mercilessly put out by the hordes of barbaric adherents of the emerging faiths as they overran territory and terrain in their zeal to prodelytise to bring salvation to the conquered or relief through death from a despicable life of disbelief to the infidel who dared practise some other faith dubbed false by the only true holy book of the newly emergent cult.

If any civilisation did escape the wrath of these two intolerant Semitic religions, it was either purely because of geographical reasons, location proving somehow inexpedient for conquest, or because the political prowess of the local rulers proved conquest impossible. A third cause of partial survival of local culture despite Islamic and Christtian occupation has been uniquely evident in India where 1000 years of Islamic rule and 200 years of Christian British rule, and in parts as in Goa, 560 years of brutal Portuguese Christian rule, could not wipe out Hinduism nor the traditional culture. This simply is unique in history with reference to Mohammedan expansion and needs more elaborate analysis.

Throughout the Middle East and in North Africa Islam spread by the sword like wildfire, desecrating and destroying all that stood in its path till local religions and traditions were completely wiped out and the Islamic culture supplanted it. Spain also suffered a like fate but after 700 years of Islamic occupation drove off the Mohammedans and their religion out of the country.

In India such a religious subversion was only partially achieved and at the time of Partition in 1947 Hindus still formed 75% of the population. This was because of the following reasons :
1. The continuous resistance offered by local Hindu rulers.
2. The vastness of the geographical terrain which never allowed complete subjugation by even the mightiest Muslim rulers.
3. The ceaseless current of spiritual sects rising in reform of society and so strengthening it to resist conversion to Islam.
4. The inherent philosophical strength of the Sanatan Dharma which was impossible to defeat in debate and so convince the heads of the Hindu Samaj to convert. Conversion was overwhelmingly by force.
5. The rigid structure of the Hindu Samaj based on strict adherence to the Varna and the Jati which became impossible to penetrate or overpower. It stood like an impregnable army formation that could resist all onslaught without capitulating to enemy assault.
6. The purity of the Hindu race with its clinging to the dharma in life and in death. This deep permeation of the spirit of Sanatan Dharma in the vast body of the race achieved over several millenia withstood the proselytising shocks it received and successfully overcame it largely. It was no peaceful gesture shown by the Muslims towards Hindus that was responsible for Hindus retaining their numbers, despite great losses, sizeably.
7. Lastly, the succession of saints and sages by the thousands through the oppressive times that sustained the Hindus and prevented their precipitous fall into the perfidious hands of proselytising Islam.

Thus, have we, despite dismemberment of our motherland through Partition, retained our cultural solidarity and so thwarted the onslaughts of Islam and Christianity that it forced Islam to declare Hindustan as its final battleground for the Ghazwa-e-Hind when it shall finish its unfinished business of destroying 'polytheistic' and 'idolatrous' Hinduism and replace it with 'the only true religion' which mankind has been bequeathed by the 'Almighty'.

All such attempts to destroy Hinduism has failed in the past and will forever fail. Hinduism lives on and shall live on, triumphant, eternal.

Yet, a prayer arises spontaneously in the heart. May the Sanatan Dharma live and guide humanity unto its liberation from material corruption ! May Hindus awake to their dharma and preserve its sanctity for its vibrant survival in this dark temptestuous world as the beacon of light ! May all converted Hindus gradually return to the fold of the Mother-faith and lend solidarity to it !

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : courtesy, Swami Ekarthananda Puri

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