Tuesday, 25 June 2019


1. Sugata Bose : [@Sabyasachi Das] 21 October, 1943. Singapore. Prime Minister of the Provisional Government of Free India. He headed his Cabinet and held the portfolios of Prime Minister, War Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

2. Sugata Bose : [@Sasanka Sekhar Ghosh] I have posted two videos from YouTube. You may have a look at them. I am hunting for a pertinent article written by Dr. Kannigan of a US university but have not yet succeeded. I shall post it the moment I get hold of it.

3. Sugata Bose : [@Sutanu] Shaikh Abdul Alim has raised this issue of the Sankeertan in a comment opposing my earlier post. Have a look at it. I have only been fair to all concerned parties in expanding the scope of the discourse, although, in a rather unfair asymmetrical manner, I dare say.

4. Sugata Bose : [Sourav Mishra] Brilliant reply, Sourav. Accurate, to the point.

5. Sugata Bose : [@Shaikh Abdul Alim] You are right in a rather restricted way, I should suppose. Both the azaan and the sankeertan are disturbing and must not be allowed to infringe, however unwittingly, upon private peace. Sankeertans may be long and may even last for 3 days at a stretch but the loudspeaker-bolstered azaan goes on 365 days a year, 5 times a day, and at inconvenient hours such a dawn, as opposed to the infrequent sankeertans centring festive occasions.

6. Sugata Bose : [@Indrajit Dutt] Where did you discern intolerance here? Is stating the fact nowadays being considered so?

7. Sugata Bose : [@Ronita Bharatiya] Not quite plagiarised, it seems, for she admitted her source midway through her speech, I mean, the US Holocaust Museum and the pertinent points lifted from there and cited to highlight the Indian context.

8. Sugata Bose : Debaprasad Babu, I lament, too. It was not the maestro's loss so much as it was the motherland's loss. Indeed, how lacking in appreciation of genius we have been as a nation ever since independence !


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