Tuesday, 25 June 2019



Divergence of opinion need not be misconstrued as anti-nationalism. Democracy demands such conflicting views for its healthy sustenance so long as sedition be not indulged in. Out of debate, discussion and deliberation emerge solutions to national problems.

The fault lies not in positing divergent views but in governmental failure to address issues with determined action, once solutions have been hammered out on paper. It is administrative efficiency that is called for and not curtailment of views. The greater the variance of views, the more vibrant the polity, but there must be concensus on major issues such as national security and defence, and the sovereignty of the nation. Here political parties must put national interest above party interest and must never stoop so low as to compromise the country's stability and security in any way.

A strong political will needs to be tempered and kept in check from degenerating into dictatorship. Only then can such resolute governance lead to people's genuine welfare. Thus, contrary views and perspectives ought to be welcomed by any incumbent government to be able to assess any situation better and from as many angles as possible. Such reverse, often critical, views will ensure that crude errors are avoided by the ruling dispensation and the nation does not have to pay dear to accommodate exclusive ideological proclivity.

May principles rule public life and the personality cult be relegated to the museums of archaic interest !

Vande Mataram ! 

Written by Sugata Bose

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