Friday, 21 June 2019



The Islamic invasion was disastrous for our motherland. It ruined much of our ancient Indian culture. But post-independence apathy to Hinduism has been bad as well. Now a revival seems imminent but we have to direct its course right.

Sanskrit needs proliferation across the country and beyond its borders for the right revival of our ancient culture. Buddhism, once banished by renascent Sanatan Dharma during the times of Adi Shankaracharya and later desecrated and destroyed by Islamic aggression --- reference is being made here to the destruction of the Nalanda University by Bakhtiar Khilji ---, needs a homecoming to fulfil its complementary spiritual work along with Hinduism for the fuller unfolding of the nation's divine mandate unto human civilisation.

The revival of Sanskrit will necessarily lead to the revival of Pali and Prakrit as well and the lost harmony of the Indian civilisation will be restored. This is the great charge before the present Union Government and, if properly undertaken, will lead to a faster fostering of national solidarity and its corollaries in nationalistic feeling which cannot be otherwise forced upon people with any fair degree of success.

It is culture that holds a nation and it is culture again that binds a people to its roots and inspires them unto higher attainments and sacrifices for the nation. Thus, it ought to be one of the principal objectives of this government to set in an irreversible process of cultural revival by promoting the study of Sanskrit right from the primary level in schools till its culmination in the university. No amount of opposition from counter-forces should deter the political will of the government from going ahead with this programme. Upon it depends our survival as a civilisation in the long run.

If this linguistic revival is not given its due now, then dark days are ahead for this country as proselytising religions like Islam and Christianity, ever receiving political patronage for securing electoral advantages for parties, will keep growing in numerical strength and undermine the real spiritual culture of this civilisation dating so many millenia that even history dares not peep into its origins.

Let us not bring in upon ourselves such a disaster and let us with all our might fight for the regeneration of India along its rightful spiritual channels as envisioned by our sages and saints whose message and direction unto us remain as relevant today as then when they were first uttered, for they are founded upon the eternal principles of the Spirit which transcends the erosions of time.

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

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