Friday, 21 June 2019



The PM and the CM both come from a humble background and ought to try and raise the living conditions of the poor, making this the primary feature of their governance over and above all other administrative considerations. Capitalist exploitation must be checked by adopting genuine welfare measures for the masses. It is human labour --- despite the advent of mechanised labour --- that ultimately produces all the wealth that the rich appropriate and it is but fair play and justice that the government should see to its reasonable distribution. For this high-flown economics is not necessary but the governmental will to render justice to all.

Crony capitalism can be rooted out only when a sizeable section of the population are honest in their dealings in life for it is out of the polity, after all, that the politicians are drawn who go to govern the land. This collusion of politicians with capitalists in draining the resources of the land, this idealisation of monetary success in life, this toxic culture of quickening the desire to possess material goods through advertisements --- all this is geared to securing for a few inordinate pleasures of life at the expense of the life-blood of the teeming millions who are daily ground to the dust as the wheel of capitalism runs its course over the corpses that lie in its path.

All this must go, and who else but the PM and the CM who have lived the hard life of grinding poverty in childhood and youth that can change the condition of the poor? May God bless them to do so !

Written by Sugata Bose

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