Sunday 9 June 2019



Evenings are the best time for chanting the Ishta mantra. Dawn is equally beneficial. When the transition takes place from night to day and day to night, tranquillity abounds in the atmosphere and the nerve-currents within are equally alive to perception of the higher vibrations. Hence, the most propitious hours are these for diving deep into the soul and discover the gems that lie within. An orderly life that allows one to devote oneself completely to spiritual practice at these hours is rewarded with higher realisations of the Spirit in the fullness of time. The Guru's grace best flows at these hours when the junction is between night and day, when the interface of the hours offers an alleyway for escape into a wider freedom whence on return repetition of the daily discipline keeps widening the passage unto the life beyond. This is the way of the Spirit, sincere adherence to the Guru's word, his command, injunction, divine direction offered to which we, disciples, must be absolutely adherent if we have any pretensions whatsoever towards God-realisation. Jai Gurudev! Jai Thakur! Jai Ma!

Written by Sugata Bose

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