Tuesday, 4 September 2018



Gumnami Baba said that the War Criminal tag on Netaji post WW II and the agreement of the GOI with the Anglo-American forces to hand Netaji over to them should he be discovered compelled Netaji to remain in hiding till the time the tag was removed. The tag still remains and many are of the opinion that Netaji, now 121 years and more, is still in hiding, although, engaged in spiritual austerities in the high Himalayas in Jnangunj, and that he will reappear at the onset of the next cataclysmic war on a global scale (WW III) when he will lead India and the suppressed peoples of the world to genuine freedom from thraldom to the Anglo-American forces.

Perhaps, all these may seem to you and to many who are rationally inclined to be fantastic theories but I can assure you that there are umpteen number of takers of them who adore Netaji with cult-like fanaticism and will not brook rational opposition to their claims on the ground that Netaji is supposedly a superhuman being with godlike powers to live on in the mortal coil as long as he wishes, --- using, of course, tantric practices of kayakalpa yoga that supposedly allow perpetuation of the physical form beating the decay dictated by time, --- and who can fashion circumstances and use them to advantage to eventually bring about the aspired geopolitical end that is purportedly his mission on earth. These are seemingly incredible claims but then, you know, 'there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy' is the standard response from believers that you may expect.

I am personally a seeker of knowledge in this regard and keep presenting facts as they arrive at the doorstep of my consciousness without in any manner aligning myself to any such. I am, therefore, totally non-committal in this regard and dispassionate in my research thereof.

Written by Sugata Bose

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