Saturday, 15 September 2018


Sugata Bose : Ramakrishna Mission must be kept above politics for it is our only hope of national regeneration and survival thereof.

Sugata Bose : I wholeheartedly agree with you. No politician must be allowed to make a political speech at Belur Math or in any of the branch centres of the Math and Mission. But, you know, there are some that violate regulations and these must be kept away from the Math and Mission's programmes.

Sugata Bose : Under no circumstances must you,Bini Sengupta, imagine that you are the sole arbiter of civic behaviour of the devotees of Ramakrishna Mission. Critical thinking is an essential attribute of civic living and debate, discussion and deliberation are the fundamental elements of a democratic polity for its successful functioning. Blind allegiance need not be construed as devotion. What is necessary is devotion tempered by reason.

Sugata Bose : Bini Sengupta, you say that it is a personal opinion but you are foisting it apparently on all.

Sugata Bose : Bini Sengupta, the question is that you are being intolerant of the criticism of the Mission that is doing the rounds in social media. But why? Let people speak and infer thereof. Let all be heard with grace and without rancour so that rationality may prevail and the ideas spelt out collide against each other and not the personalities spelling them out so that inferences may be drawn thereof by all and sundry. Blind and uncritical faith and the inability to have the courage of conviction to speak out in public without animosity or malice is not what devotion is all about. It is in the best interests of society that public debate and discussion ought to be on contentious issues all the time so that a vibrant democracy may thrive and conduce to the welfare of all. No organisation or order is so sacrosanct that it ought to remain outside of the purview of social debate and discussion. I agree with you that devotees ought to be restrained and civil in their discussions but cannot quite subscribe to your mandate of them being only given the allowance to discuss things privately. After all, where do the boundaries of privacy end and where does the public space begin in a society that is open?

Sugata Bose : Ah, there you are, Bini Sengupta! Your entire stance about devotees and their ethical bindings is so utterly individualistic with your own understanding as the focal point for all despite the fact that you keep on harping that it is a personal opinion.

Sugata Bose : Bini Sengupta, you very vociferous remonstrance against the rightful freedom of devotees to express themselves in the public fora and your exhortation to all devotees thereof make for the ground of my arguments in opposition thus far. It is not that I am unaware of the traditions of the RKM and their expectations from their devotees and it is also not that I am not in sympathy with what you say but that I still wish that the polity should consistently awake to the developments within it and respond suitably to the challenges thrown at it.

Sugata Bose : Absolutely so, Shubhendu Basu. Only then will the quality of higher education improve in our country. But that is not the contention of the debate raging here.

Sugata Bose : Arghya Ghosh, I guess social media today give us the opportunity to express ourselves and voice our assent or dissent in matters pertaining to the polity in a much more affirmative way and often in a negative way, too, which is what conservative devotees averse to adverse criticism of the Ramakrishna Mission, even if constructive as in this case, cannot quite bear. This is a passing phase during social transition from the feudal mindset of the past to the democratic way of thinking that will constitute the future consciousness of the citizenry. In Europe this had been achieved during the Enlightenment but in India it is now dawning slowly upon the mass consciousness. So, we may debate and discuss without personal rancour or roguish aspersions cast on each other for, after all, we are citizens of the same country and children of the same Mother who holds us ever in her loving embrace even as we settle out out earthly differences in our fallible human ways.

Sugata Bose : Bini Sengupta, true enough that the Ramakrishna Order is well above politics, both ideologically as well as in practice, but public perception is changing with every such episode of political parley that leads to the Mission compromising its age-old spiritual stance. A case in point is its allowance of the Gun Salute in honour of the last President of the Order, post his demise, within the very precincts of the monastery, an act that would have been unthinkable in earlier times of hallowed memory. But such a precedent that polluted the air and the spirit of the monastery thus has now been set and calls for concerted civilised opposition from conscientious devotees if in future such episodes seem likely to be enacted.

Sugata Bose : I did try in the past regarding other contentious issues but they averse to listening. @Bini Sengupta

Sugata Bose : Again, assumptions by the cartloads and erroneous for sure, Bini Sengupta.

Sugata Bose : Pull, for sure, Bini Sengupta, only see to it that I do not thereby trip, especially, in my line of logic.

Sugata Bose : Bini Sengupta, that is the spice of it all, this humour, I say. Wish it were more common in our daily social intercourse.

Sugata Bose : Bini Sengupta, you scarce could catch the fine streak of wry humour that I resorted to.

Sugata Bose : Bini Sengupta, humour is to be savoured, not explained when it has turned stale owing to the moment being lost when the words have lived out their life.

Sugata Bose : Where does your internal boundary lie and where does the external world begin? Thakur is infinite and so is his domain. So, you see, perceptions are same but, yet, differ. For me the wide world is my family for it is the domain of Thakur as well.

Sugata Bose : Perfect you are in your assertion there and I adore your stamina and courage of conviction born out of devotion sincere, for sure.

Sugata Bose : Who says that I do not admire your devotion or that I have not been doing so thus far? It is my admiration for such strength of devotion that you thus far have exhibited that has prompted me to keep up the discussion for the greater awareness of the polity.

Sugata Bose : Thank you, little one. You are a lioness, indeed, although, I must say, very soft in feelings for Thakur-Ma-Swamiji.

Sugata Bose : So am I and have been ever so since the times when you were a toddler, I guess.

Sugata Bose : That's the spirit of the Order, and that's the spirit of love for it as well. Fight like a lion with an adversary but never in hate or in malice. Love binds the Order to this day and will do so for aeons till kingdom come.

Sugata Bose : Sumit Chandra, a debate is raging on social media over the recent visit of the CM of West Bengal to Belur Math and her purported references in a speech there before the august assembly of the monks which have been questioned for their alleged inaccuracy in point of fact and the Mission's reluctance thereof, apparently, to contradict her statements openly for the clarification of all and sundry. A certain journalist of repute has posted a write-up which has started this raging debate all over the social media and this, my friend, is the point of reference of what has been going on in this comment stream as well, although, I have not mentioned that particular post's content here, as such, to avoid unnecessary mudslinging by adversaries in social conversation.

Sugata Bose : I know it, and I wish that you will become an erudite in the history of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission for the greater cause of what Swamiji had bled his way for. The task is yet unaccomplished and calls for many a soldier of the soul to lend his/her labour of love to usher in the eventual fruition of the mission.

Sugata Bose : Saurabh Bhattacharyya, in case you are quitting the comment stream, thank you for participating thus far. In case you are not, welcome to further deliberations.

Sugata Bose : Why do you say I am your friend here only? Why limit this soul-relation of devotees voyaging on the same vessel en route to the same beloved Lord? Let friendship be of the spirit, all-embracing, all-encompassing.

Sugata Bose : What has happened that you call for help to be saved, and from whom?

Sugata Bose : But Thakur also exhorted devotees to test him like the money-changers do with their coins. He professed and propagated in this incarnation of his what he chose to dub 'Jnan mishra bhakti', that is, Vedantic knowledge mixed with devotion for the Lord. Hence, scrutiny, doubt, deliberation, all these are welcome. However, as you rightly say, civility has its bounds and must not be crossed in any conversation, especially where it concerns such a hallowed institution as the Ramakrishna Order.

Sugata Bose : This one was a superb one from you that has bowled me over. What a timely rejoinder and aimed straight at my very premise!

Sugata Bose : They are not quite comprehending your stance for you are being true to your spiritual vocation and encouraging a positive endeavour for source clarification from the Mission, but they interpreting it as your attempt to dictate terms to all who are in the so-called opposite camp in this conversation. I will presently clarify before all your stated position.

Sugata Bose : Debarati Ghoshsarkar, who are you addressing here? Be specific. Otherwise, it is difficult to respond in a complex comment stream where so many are active right now.

Sugata Bose : Where did you manage to secure the book, 'The Imitation of Christ', from? Is it available on Amazon?

Sugata Bose : Thank you. Received. I have downloaded it from the net myself as well and it is now saved and, so, secure for blissful leisurely reading.

Sugata Bose : This is the right attitude for a devotee. Debashis Dutta has neither compromised on principle in this piece of writing nor castigated the monks of the Ramakrishna Order who are in executive position for the fiasco that followed the stepping on to the podium by the Chief Minister and her careless and unwarranted politicisation of the platform on the hallowed occasion of the 125th anniversary of the historic Chicago lecture of Swami Vivekananda. This sort of restrained and respectful reproach is most becoming of a civilised citizen and tends to the rectification of unwitting errors made by the Mission or any organisation that is otherwise wholly apolitical and is geared to engineering social uplift. It is a responsible devotee's work to thus softly censure where harsh criticism can only hurt and estrange relations between personalities in principled variance. Commendations to Sri Dutta for his etiquette in efficient articulation of his standpoint which ought to be a standard bearer in social discourse where esteemed organisations like the Ramakrishna Mission are involved.

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