Sunday, 16 September 2018



Culture is common, that of humanity at its depth. Diversities abound owing to structural differences in the entire field of cosmic manifestation and the interplay of forces in varying combinations and degrees. Uniformity is at the base and never at the surface layer for a monolithic human order to ever be. The very idea of attempting such a surface uniformity stems from the misapprehension of the fundamental structure of phenomena and has thus far only caused human suffering in its bid to be but has never till date succeeded in being. 

Diversity is natural at the crust of things and cannot be done away with even as uniformity will ever abide as its central core. Education in Vedantic philosophy will dispel all such illusions of a God demanding absolute subjection of all humans under a common monolithic religious order of things and will enlighten humanity to coexist amidst a myriad diversity between individuals and peoples. Thus, will cultural conquest be checked and conversion cease in effect.

Proselytising and, in turn, engaging in cultural invasion is as violent a human occupation as any that can be. The history of the world bears ample testimony to the decimation of populations that resisted such onslaughts with feeble arms as might crushed right with punitive force that had neither sanction in morality nor in ethics beyond arbitrary absolutist injunctions of self-appointed divinities and political masters.

Human society has suffered enough at the hands of fanatical faiths and cults for millenia and it calls for introspection now if we should allow any such any more. If we have progressed as a species, we ought to take serious count of the future consequences of our sectarian actions that are born out of a narrow view of life. If we do, we shall flourish. Else, our present woes will breed their unholy off-springs in the indefinite future as well.

Written by Sugata Bose

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