1. An empty matchbox with no sticks, all burnt and cast away. A cyclone strikes and unfetters the one, and madman free he reigns.
2. Are these monks
Who call hoodlums heroes
And raise slogans in their name?
3. The path of God is the path of love --- pure, simple, true.
29. The problem in the path of the Spirit is that it is too often crowded with material attachments, superstitions and miracles.
30. It is not good to mislead men into delusions of the Spirit by performing magic and miracles. Such actions are highly blameworthy.
31. Gandhiji gave mass structure, base, edifice et al, to our freedom movement. Without him where would we have been?
32. While one is there, one must be respected, not after he is dead and gone. Timely reverence reaps its harvest.
33. Why waste time in unsettling others when settled flows the brook within?
2. Are these monks
Who call hoodlums heroes
And raise slogans in their name?
3. The path of God is the path of love --- pure, simple, true.
4. A dead man walks again. And this is renunciation.
5. The life of love is in the spirit. What link dare you to draw with flesh?
6. It is not good enough to have intelligence. One must have character. It is this latter element that significantly forces issues.
7. Four musketeers have been seen off. Now the three musketeers remain. They guard the citadels of the heavens.
8. Dawn breaks and night is over and still the clock ticks as if there is no end to this seeming ticking clock.
9. What will of God is this that tyrannises over the weak? Merciful Providence? I dare say, no.
10. A veil hangs over the eye. The curtain must lift before I can see. And there are seven such veils to peel.
11. Tall talk is not philosophy nor philosophy realisation. Experience is the key. He who has seen God has been God.
12. If there is a crime on earth, it is this, to call God man.
13. Rare is the disciple, rarer still the preceptor who has seen the Truth and can lead. The life of the Spirit knows no compromise.
14. Reading Vivekananda and poorly assimilating a smattering of the Vedanta has become a modern disease. Realisation is the key.
15. Indigestion of the Vedanta is an ancient disease that runs to this modern day. Vivekananda can cure.
5. The life of love is in the spirit. What link dare you to draw with flesh?
6. It is not good enough to have intelligence. One must have character. It is this latter element that significantly forces issues.
7. Four musketeers have been seen off. Now the three musketeers remain. They guard the citadels of the heavens.
8. Dawn breaks and night is over and still the clock ticks as if there is no end to this seeming ticking clock.
9. What will of God is this that tyrannises over the weak? Merciful Providence? I dare say, no.
10. A veil hangs over the eye. The curtain must lift before I can see. And there are seven such veils to peel.
11. Tall talk is not philosophy nor philosophy realisation. Experience is the key. He who has seen God has been God.
12. If there is a crime on earth, it is this, to call God man.
13. Rare is the disciple, rarer still the preceptor who has seen the Truth and can lead. The life of the Spirit knows no compromise.
14. Reading Vivekananda and poorly assimilating a smattering of the Vedanta has become a modern disease. Realisation is the key.
15. Indigestion of the Vedanta is an ancient disease that runs to this modern day. Vivekananda can cure.
16. Vedanta can mislead if not properly understood at the feet of a realised Guru. This has been the bane of decadent Indian culture.
17. Driven by ego man yet persists in self-delusion in the name of superior knowledge.
18. So many speak, so few realise, and there are some who reject realisation as well on verbal pretext.
17. Driven by ego man yet persists in self-delusion in the name of superior knowledge.
18. So many speak, so few realise, and there are some who reject realisation as well on verbal pretext.
19. I am amazed at the spiritual wisdom of modern Indian girls despite the apparent contradictions of the times.
20. Intellectual text-torturing of the Vedanta is a practised art of self-delusion and often self-deception as well. The discerning desist.
21. What sort of Vedanta is this that denies God and avers nihilism? That is a misapprehension of this grand system of thought.
21. What sort of Vedanta is this that denies God and avers nihilism? That is a misapprehension of this grand system of thought.
22. Without the observance of perfect continence apprehension of the Vedanta is a far cry.
23. Shankara accepted Shakti, so did Vivekananda. To posit facile arguments and hide behind tortured aphorisms suits not the seeker.
24. Intellectual gymnastics is not the core content of spirituality. It results in self-deception and ruin. Renunciation is the key.
25. The Ashtavakra Samhita is the highest enunciation of Vedantic aphorisms but can highly mislead the shallow intellect as well.
26. Immature minds and unqualified aspirants misapprehend the subtle truths of the scriptures and come to grief thereby.
27. The broader your sympathies, the deeper your love, the more spiritual you are.
28. It is a free run to freedom once the initial hurdles are crossed, the obstacles overcome. But not quite, for Maya holds till the end.
25. The Ashtavakra Samhita is the highest enunciation of Vedantic aphorisms but can highly mislead the shallow intellect as well.
26. Immature minds and unqualified aspirants misapprehend the subtle truths of the scriptures and come to grief thereby.
27. The broader your sympathies, the deeper your love, the more spiritual you are.
28. It is a free run to freedom once the initial hurdles are crossed, the obstacles overcome. But not quite, for Maya holds till the end.
29. The problem in the path of the Spirit is that it is too often crowded with material attachments, superstitions and miracles.
30. It is not good to mislead men into delusions of the Spirit by performing magic and miracles. Such actions are highly blameworthy.
31. Gandhiji gave mass structure, base, edifice et al, to our freedom movement. Without him where would we have been?
32. While one is there, one must be respected, not after he is dead and gone. Timely reverence reaps its harvest.
33. Why waste time in unsettling others when settled flows the brook within?
34. They who know not how to value love, know not how to live life too.
35. God is not an object of interest or gain. He is the eternal fountain of love which men do not value.
36. One must know how to value another being. That is the spiritual approach at the very outset and that is the spiritual end too.
37. To hurt another in the name of the spirit is least spiritual.
38. A host of rogues masquerading as men of God may win the approbation of the masses but not quite the heart of the God they reject.
37. To hurt another in the name of the spirit is least spiritual.
38. A host of rogues masquerading as men of God may win the approbation of the masses but not quite the heart of the God they reject.
39. A heartless Hinduism I do not subscribe to. My language is that of the heart which feels for others and feels evermore.
40. The more refined the system, the nearer to God one is. The sensitivity of the heart is the index of spirituality.
To hurt another in the name of the spirit is least spiritual
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