Saturday, 29 September 2018



This fellow (name withheld to save his honour) I thought was a good sport and I received him in the right spirit. But he has been trying to hog the limelight somehow in every Vedanta post of mine and attempting to foist his dubious philosophy, flawed as it is with facile logic bearing no rational rigour, on all and sundry who are accessible to him in the comment box. He thus takes the attention of many readers away from the post content and tries to redirect it into his own pet philosophical channel. In this way he has been hijacking each and every post to his favoured dubious destination.

I have till date been greatly irritated by his continuous presumptuous comments and have lost valuable time and energy in answering this incorrigible irritant of an individual who never quite sees reason to accept even the utterances of saints and sages of the spiritual altitude of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and has the temerity to laugh at our collective perception and wisdom about matters spiritual which he seemingly regards as his exclusive domain of understanding. I have repeatedly engaged in conversations on the comment stream and have caught him napping in logic but he refuses to see reason and keeps on at his favourite pastime of engaging men of work in combating silly assertions of his that bear no rhyme or reason in Vedanta terms.

Of late he has been sending messages in the inbox to engage my attention even more and helping waste my time and energy further. After a couple of irritating messages that I was forced thus to read, I blocked his message option with me. But he continued to keep my readers engaged by commenting against their viewpoint at the drop of a hat. This seems to me to be a policy of his and he had to be checked. I asked a reader to stop replying to his comments to get rid of this perverse development that is such a bother. But good words, appreciation of his viewpoint as being his and sincerely original at that (which I thought it was so at that point of time, although, logically flawed), and essays written in countering his arguments, all fell flat as he resorted finally to mocking me. Of course, he has a right to do so but has little chance of a continued friendship with me who he has started pooh poohing. Hence, as the ultimate recourse that facebook provides us to be rid of unwholesome elements from our association on the same, I decided to take the course of blocking him. Now let my erstwhile opponent while away his time in the wilderness while I continue to serve you all, my readers, with the delight of words and images fraught with the sense of the divine.

May the God that he describes in dubious terms have mercy on him and lead him to reason by dispelling his self-delusion that he is a self-realised soul of nirvikalpa samadhi attainment even though he has never bothered to renounce earthly pleasure which he calls spontaneous sense engagement that cannot cover his self-consciousness after all! I further wish this. May Sri Ramakrishna bless all deluded fools like him who are the offspring of the dharmaglaani (degeneration of dharma / spiritual degeneration) that has overcome this land of the Vedas of late and lead them along the path of genuine renunciation and service for eventual enlightenment that is true and not a figment of imagination coloured in prismatic dispersion of the real ray of the one sun that never sets!

Written by Sugata Bose

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