Monday 17 September 2018



The Chief Minister's address at Belur Math on 11 September, 2018 in connection with the 125th anniversary celebration of Swami Vivekananda's epic Chicago Address in 1893 has drawn copious criticism from a facebook post by Sri Rantidev Sengupta and has subsequently raised quite a storm on the social media.

In pursuance of the defence of the RamakrishnaMission being afforded by me entirely on my own initiative, I exhort all to view the following video clip of the aforesaid address before drawing hasty conclusions about the same, one way or the other. It is most meet that impartial judgement prevails thereby and that biased views do not flood the social media, especially, since the honour of the esteemed Ramakrishna Order of monks is involved here. One may view the video clip and come to conclusions thereof instead of going by hearsay and impulses born of personal preferences, prejudices and predilections that so often refract one's perspective and drive home erroneous images of an episode.

The criticisms of Sri Sengupta need to be scrutinised before their veracity may be attested by all and sundry. If they pass the test of reason and evidence, surely, nobody in his rational sense and judgement will bear him a grudge for levelling these serious charges against the Mission to which both he and I belong and countless others like us do, too, who would all wish that the air be cleared of all this murkiness that has become to pollute this seminal event of the Chicago anniversary celebration so unfortunately.

Given below is the YouTube link of the video clip of the Chief Minister's address at Belur Math :

End of Part 4
To be serialised...

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo source : Internet

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