Wednesday 26 September 2018



There are some in society who claim that they have had nirvikalpa samadhi (non-dual absolute realisation of the Self / Atman). But one must not be deluded into believing that one is realised if one is not able to preserve perfect continence (brahmacharya) despite so-called realisation. This is the proof of the pudding (perception). Whether one is suffering from delusion of the brain or not can best be understood in this light. What is the state of one's attachment to the body? Does one feel inclined towards the opposite gender in carnal terms however sublimated? Has one conquered the sex-impulse altogether and arrived at the beautiful sublimation of all carnality? Has the feminine charm in terms of quickening a physical reaction of a base kind completely been overcome? And, if so, is one being honest about it? This is with reference to a man. The same applies to a woman in the altered order of gender. Has all monetary association been given up in terms of attachment? Does one feel universal love that so floods the system that one is no more capable of attending to personal duties any more and feels driven by a cyclonic thrust to go beyond societal limits and live a free man in the arms of Nature? All these are pertinent points that need mature meditation on before one may subscribe to fleeting misdirected flights of psychic imagination and come to the understanding that one has had the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi. Hiding behind flawed arguments does not suit the purpose of self-realisation. Well has the Upanishad said : Like the blind leading the blind etc. be continued...

Written by Sugata Bose

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