1. In the midst of sorrow she who comforts is the Mother in whatever garb She may be.
2. Time is not the best healer. It is eventually consciousness that heals.
3. Trust not anyone right away, watch his actions for a while. Befriend him if he passes the test.
4. A devoted disciple is so hard to find as hard as it is to find an enlightened Guru.
5. Infatuation, thou mother of all evils!
6. Rare, indeed, is the man who reflects on God all day long. Such a one, indeed, wins the veneration of all.
7. This very life is liberation if you perceive it right.
8. Life is but the payment of toll-tax for your passage to freedom.
9. When somebody rejects you, reject the rejection as Maya, and reject the acceptance, too.
10. The heart is the battlefield for emotions, the head the war zone of ideas. The Self witnesses both, in silence, serene, sublime.
11. Life is ever on the edge of death and man knows not when he will die. The monk is ready each moment ; the man is not.
12. Caught in the whirlpool of data, man hobbles along.
13. It is the quality of your thinking in the waking state that determines the quality of your thoughts when you dream.
14. A shift in consciousness and you dream. Then you wake up to dream again. But the dream does break eventually when you wake up for good, never to dream again.
15. External data conceals the divinity within. Go beyond the information barrier to apprehend the truth transcendental.
16. The critical examination of the career and contributions of a great man need not be misconstrued as an exercise in castigation.
17. Go beyond God to find God. His residence is in you.
Discrimination through negation may renounce the grosser elements of the phenomenal being but how is the last vestige to be negated unto freedom when the very instrument of negation in trace form sticks?
8. Life is but the payment of toll-tax for your passage to freedom.
9. When somebody rejects you, reject the rejection as Maya, and reject the acceptance, too.
10. The heart is the battlefield for emotions, the head the war zone of ideas. The Self witnesses both, in silence, serene, sublime.
11. Life is ever on the edge of death and man knows not when he will die. The monk is ready each moment ; the man is not.
12. Caught in the whirlpool of data, man hobbles along.
13. It is the quality of your thinking in the waking state that determines the quality of your thoughts when you dream.
14. A shift in consciousness and you dream. Then you wake up to dream again. But the dream does break eventually when you wake up for good, never to dream again.
15. External data conceals the divinity within. Go beyond the information barrier to apprehend the truth transcendental.
16. The critical examination of the career and contributions of a great man need not be misconstrued as an exercise in castigation.
17. Go beyond God to find God. His residence is in you.
Discrimination through negation may renounce the grosser elements of the phenomenal being but how is the last vestige to be negated unto freedom when the very instrument of negation in trace form sticks?
Free is the man who is utterly devoid of sense of body and of mind, and immaterial abides in the vision of the Self, of Truth transcendental and immanent.
Too much of levity takes significance away from a subject deep and too much of gravity makes it lose its appeal for the masses. The optimal balance must be struck.
Free is the man who is utterly devoid of sense of body and of mind, and immaterial abides in the vision of the Self, of Truth transcendental and immanent.
Too much of levity takes significance away from a subject deep and too much of gravity makes it lose its appeal for the masses. The optimal balance must be struck.
21. Must we be so shallow as to allow others to gauge it even through our irrelevant comments to posts? Are photos everything?
22. Our countrymen largely lack in focus. Otherwise, how can irrelevant comments to my posts keep on coming despite my protestations?
23. By constantly abusing others at home how hope you to seek the favour of God in ritual praying at dawn? Whither humanity?
The women of our country must not abuse their newfound power by hurting other women. Daughters-in-law, learn to respect your venerable and aged mothers-in-law. In it constitutes dharma. May the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi be your model in civility, good sense and culture and not any freshly inducted alien influence that declares the passions of the senses to be the ultimate ideal of a decadent life!
25. Please look after the aged. They are divinities on earth and must be beheld as such. Love them in service and serve them in love.
26. Good to live in a fool's paradise,
Bad to then consider oneself wise.
27. I write for all
But one or two read.
The rest do like
The photos I feed.
The women of our country must not abuse their newfound power by hurting other women. Daughters-in-law, learn to respect your venerable and aged mothers-in-law. In it constitutes dharma. May the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi be your model in civility, good sense and culture and not any freshly inducted alien influence that declares the passions of the senses to be the ultimate ideal of a decadent life!
25. Please look after the aged. They are divinities on earth and must be beheld as such. Love them in service and serve them in love.
26. Good to live in a fool's paradise,
Bad to then consider oneself wise.
27. I write for all
But one or two read.
The rest do like
The photos I feed.
28. Hail, idolatrous mind! When wilt thou awake to sense the idea? When wilt the abstract conquer the concrete and career thee unto Truth?
29. Exploitation runs in the bloodstream of humanity. It is time to see a man arise and resist. Poverty is man-made and evil.
30. In an age of so-called spiritual wake-up rampant exploitation exists, and its day is not done yet. Arise, awake to resist!
29. Exploitation runs in the bloodstream of humanity. It is time to see a man arise and resist. Poverty is man-made and evil.
30. In an age of so-called spiritual wake-up rampant exploitation exists, and its day is not done yet. Arise, awake to resist!
31. Keep exploiting the gods on earth but scarce believe you can escape. Your hour of reckoning is at hand. Arise and resist!
32. Where is there religion that subsists on evil donation? Corruption taints it all. The food God eats is the poison-blood of the poor.
33. Civilisation is the fire that ignites out of the conflict of forces. It is extinguished by it as well.
34. Our country is not yet ready to receive Swamiji. He hated cowardice and it is all that we offer in the name of devotion.
35. Has God no other business but to grace the selfish with His vision? What sort of a God is He then?
36. Why do charity to the poor? Despoil them not of their inheritance of this earth.
33. Civilisation is the fire that ignites out of the conflict of forces. It is extinguished by it as well.
34. Our country is not yet ready to receive Swamiji. He hated cowardice and it is all that we offer in the name of devotion.
35. Has God no other business but to grace the selfish with His vision? What sort of a God is He then?
36. Why do charity to the poor? Despoil them not of their inheritance of this earth.
37. It is easy to philosophise on full belly but a crushing load while fasting.
38. Teach me not religion, O Lord, I know the language of the belly.
39. The Hindu's religion is in the scriptures alone, in practice there is none.
40. I run 85 groups where people submit irrelevant posts for approval. Whither good sense? Must not the group's objective be seen?
38. Teach me not religion, O Lord, I know the language of the belly.
39. The Hindu's religion is in the scriptures alone, in practice there is none.
40. I run 85 groups where people submit irrelevant posts for approval. Whither good sense? Must not the group's objective be seen?
41. Evening sets in,
Time to meditate.
The breath flows quite even,
Ah, the suspended state!
42. Vedanta is a far cry for us. We are primarily interested in image worship. Ref. photo 'like' to the exclusion of reading post content.
43. The ill-begotten money of the rich God does not accept but religious organisations do. Therein lies the difference.
44. Charity cannot absolve you of the sin of all the tricks you play to earn your money by fraud. Woe unto profit that causes poverty!
45. In this world of unreal dreams none is my friend. Lead, O mind, thyself into nothingness.
46. Since death will for sure come to this body, let this body fall for a worthwhile cause. Why rot away in this abysmal hell? Arise!
47. Facebook friends, join hands with me and build up a movement that will conduce to the well-being of humanity. Let us combine force.
48. Just study Swami Ranganathananda and get to know what dharma is, what moksha is. What an inspiration he is!
49. India must be integrated along the line of the Upanishads. There is no other way for national harmony. Vedanta offers the solution.
50. Read Vivekananda's 'Lectures from Colombo to Almora' and become men of character who will serve the nation to their best capacity.
51. Let children be taught Vivekananda throughout the country, choosing passages that cater to patriotism and love of humanity.
52. It is difficult to survive in an atmosphere of hatred but the best way to do so is to cultivate unattached strong love.
53. Self-righteousness claims for itself the right to persecute others on grounds of personal 'principle' held. Tyranny terrible!
54. Never compromise with evil in the name of liberalism. It is the worst form of weakness practised. Strength alone can combat evil.
55. Renunciation is the taking away of the props that hold the small self. It is a vaster surrender of all thereafter.
56. People are enamoured of the outer life and spend their days on it. But there is an inner life as well that goes abegging.
57. Is this life a dream? So it is, so long as you are not conscious of the Self. Then it is a wide wakefulness.
58. The world bleeds in pain. Let us stop the wound wherever we are for everywhere is the world.
59. Spirituality is the basis of all ethics. Ethics and morality cannot stand without an abiding awareness of the Self in all.
60. Shall we meet God after this life? That God can tell, not I. But I can say this -- we can meet Him right here even while living.
61. I do not compartmentalise Indians. I view them all as belonging to the Sanatan Dharma tradition.
53. Self-righteousness claims for itself the right to persecute others on grounds of personal 'principle' held. Tyranny terrible!
54. Never compromise with evil in the name of liberalism. It is the worst form of weakness practised. Strength alone can combat evil.
55. Renunciation is the taking away of the props that hold the small self. It is a vaster surrender of all thereafter.
56. People are enamoured of the outer life and spend their days on it. But there is an inner life as well that goes abegging.
57. Is this life a dream? So it is, so long as you are not conscious of the Self. Then it is a wide wakefulness.
58. The world bleeds in pain. Let us stop the wound wherever we are for everywhere is the world.
59. Spirituality is the basis of all ethics. Ethics and morality cannot stand without an abiding awareness of the Self in all.
60. Shall we meet God after this life? That God can tell, not I. But I can say this -- we can meet Him right here even while living.
61. I do not compartmentalise Indians. I view them all as belonging to the Sanatan Dharma tradition.
62. Is there a God in the heavens? Perhaps, there is. But there is a God right in the midst of your heart. Forget not this fact ever.
63. Who has seen God in this age? Ramakrishna has. And Vivekananda stood to testify it.
64. Action is not to be renounced, attachment to it must be.
64. Action is not to be renounced, attachment to it must be.
65. Serenity in the midst of intense work is the substance of karma yoga.
66. In the midst of mental distress observe your breath. If you can even it out, distress of the mind will disappear.
67. Let the mind and its troubles be. Dive deep to detach from the mind. Then harmony will prevail in the mind.
68. Daily discipline in spiritual practice is better than sudden jolts and rushes. Realisation cannot be gained overnight. Patience!
69. Vivekananda, Abhedananda, Saradananda, Premeshananda, Gambhirananda, Nikhilananda, Yatishwarananda, Ranganathananda -- read these.
70. Forget not the much neglected direct disciple of Ramakrishna, Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj). Read his life and message.
71. Swamiji had asked for 20 young men to stand yonder on the street and say that they possessed nothing but God. Shall we volunteer?
72. Delusion about Self-realisation may be an endemic disease that can even spread. Beware! Quarantine the patients.
73. Modern Gurus are spreading spiritual delusion. Self-realisation has become a mockery and the plaything of children.
66. In the midst of mental distress observe your breath. If you can even it out, distress of the mind will disappear.
67. Let the mind and its troubles be. Dive deep to detach from the mind. Then harmony will prevail in the mind.
68. Daily discipline in spiritual practice is better than sudden jolts and rushes. Realisation cannot be gained overnight. Patience!
69. Vivekananda, Abhedananda, Saradananda, Premeshananda, Gambhirananda, Nikhilananda, Yatishwarananda, Ranganathananda -- read these.
70. Forget not the much neglected direct disciple of Ramakrishna, Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj). Read his life and message.
71. Swamiji had asked for 20 young men to stand yonder on the street and say that they possessed nothing but God. Shall we volunteer?
72. Delusion about Self-realisation may be an endemic disease that can even spread. Beware! Quarantine the patients.
73. Modern Gurus are spreading spiritual delusion. Self-realisation has become a mockery and the plaything of children.
74. Without the observance of unbroken absolute brahmacharya for a minimum of twelve years, Self-realisation is an impossibility.
75. Self-realisation is to some baby's prattle that comes by without renunciation of lust and gold. Ramakrishna being proved wrong?
76. शब्दजालामं महारण्यमं चित्तबिभ्रम कारणम ||
The web of words is a forest vast that befuddles the mind.
77. Delusion! Delusion! Delusion!
No renunciation,
Easy Self-realisation!
Spontaneous, some say.
Is it child's play?
The web of words is a forest vast that befuddles the mind.
77. Delusion! Delusion! Delusion!
No renunciation,
Easy Self-realisation!
Spontaneous, some say.
Is it child's play?
78. Only a super-sharp intellect can apprehend the Absolute Truth that is Brahman. The average man flounders. Pity these neophytes!
79. Praising messiah or monk could be a form of deflected sycophancy when actuated by desire of gain of sorts, grace included.
80. It is good to be concise in expression to keep the focus on the discussion and drive home the point that one intends to convey.
80. It is good to be concise in expression to keep the focus on the discussion and drive home the point that one intends to convey.
Let there be a public lecture organised on this subject : 'Vivekananda's influence on the leaders of the freedom movement -- (a) Netaji (b) Gandhiji (c) Bagha Jatin (d) Aurobindo Ghosh'. It will receive a rapturous response if well delivered.
Let there be a public lecture organised on this subject : 'Vivekananda's influence on the leaders of the freedom movement -- (a) Netaji (b) Gandhiji (c) Bagha Jatin (d) Aurobindo Ghosh'. It will receive a rapturous response if well delivered.
82. Hope not, despair not, just calmly work out your own destiny.
83. Where there is life, there is bondage ; where there is freedom, there is life.
84. On this day were born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Leela Roy, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Swami Abhedananda. My prostrations to all.
85. The play is developing, the script is unfolding. It is not yet a finished act and there are more acts to follow. This is life.
86. Coordinated shift keeps a system going.
87. Spirituality is built on absolute chastity, nothing less. Character and courage must go hand in hand.
88. A flood of spirituality alone can resolve the differences that beset humanity and usher in peace on earth.
89. When will man feel for man? Heartless individuals -- they speak of God and they care not for man!
90. Hindus are so good at theorising on human suffering. Would it were that they felt as much and tried to alleviate human misery!
91. The poor suffer hands and feet down like animals and we keep on theorising on their misery. Woe unto such philosophising!
92. Ramakrishna in simple terms -- be pure, realise God, serve the poor and the afflicted.
93. Every once of energy that is there in this body must be spent in disseminating the thought of eternal India.
83. Where there is life, there is bondage ; where there is freedom, there is life.
84. On this day were born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Leela Roy, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Swami Abhedananda. My prostrations to all.
85. The play is developing, the script is unfolding. It is not yet a finished act and there are more acts to follow. This is life.
86. Coordinated shift keeps a system going.
87. Spirituality is built on absolute chastity, nothing less. Character and courage must go hand in hand.
88. A flood of spirituality alone can resolve the differences that beset humanity and usher in peace on earth.
89. When will man feel for man? Heartless individuals -- they speak of God and they care not for man!
90. Hindus are so good at theorising on human suffering. Would it were that they felt as much and tried to alleviate human misery!
91. The poor suffer hands and feet down like animals and we keep on theorising on their misery. Woe unto such philosophising!
92. Ramakrishna in simple terms -- be pure, realise God, serve the poor and the afflicted.
93. Every once of energy that is there in this body must be spent in disseminating the thought of eternal India.
94. There is no way to know whether success shall be yours or failure but one thing is certain that work shall be thine.
95. The fate of a nation depends on the quality of its people. Education holds the key to its destiny.
96. Stop telling lies in the name of Vivekananda. He categorically stated that India had been under alien occupation for a 1000 years.
97. Fiery monks and not cowardly campaigners of the cause are necessary to revitalise the land with the message of Swami Vivekananda.
98. Innumerable forces, historical and cosmic, are at work to resolve the destiny of man and keep him in perennial servitude. And, yet, man rises, breaking the shackles that bind him.
99. I have no playmate for I am one. Wish I had playmates in differentiation that sport could be. But my day is done. I am one, alone through eternity.
100. বিনম্রতা মহাশক্তি |
Humility is a great strength.
95. The fate of a nation depends on the quality of its people. Education holds the key to its destiny.
96. Stop telling lies in the name of Vivekananda. He categorically stated that India had been under alien occupation for a 1000 years.
97. Fiery monks and not cowardly campaigners of the cause are necessary to revitalise the land with the message of Swami Vivekananda.
98. Innumerable forces, historical and cosmic, are at work to resolve the destiny of man and keep him in perennial servitude. And, yet, man rises, breaking the shackles that bind him.
99. I have no playmate for I am one. Wish I had playmates in differentiation that sport could be. But my day is done. I am one, alone through eternity.
100. বিনম্রতা মহাশক্তি |
Humility is a great strength.
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