Thursday, 27 September 2018



Today we see so many Gurus posing to be realised souls. They are resorting to all sorts of tricky articulations and leading the common man astray. This is dharmaglaani (decline of dharma). The innocent, the gullible, the ignorant are being led into delusion by their crafty preceptors (Gurus). Some are even being given the idea that they are realised souls. After all, if the disciples are to be appeased, what better way to do so than to give them quick nirvana? Only then can the Guru claim to be a super-nirvana soul, a la Buddha, is it not?

The Sanatan Dharma (Hindu) scriptures are so fluid that one may misinterpret them by sectional quotation in any manner. And herein lies the pitfall for Hindus. Ordinary men, ignorant of such slight of mind practised with clinical efficiency by these crafty Gurus, are led into dubious channels of so-called spiritual practice where they are given to understand that they can faith-heal people from a distance, have super-auras about themselves that are tangible proof of their spirituality, that their kulakundalini shakti has been raised to such and such levels, that they need not renounce lust and gold but need to remain unattached to them --- whatever that may mean ---, that they need not practise restraint of the carnal impulses as such --- for that would tantamount to repression --- but need to give into the natural impulses so as to best contain them within reasonable bounds. And for all these liberties allowed, they will still realise the bliss of spirituality for they are ever free souls, children of light and heirs to immortality. This is the commercial cocktail of Indian spirituality that is flooding the market and sending the rishis to despair.

... to be continued...

Written by Sugata Bose

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