Sunday 23 September 2018



The human reference frame is very limited. We can hardly make adequate comparisons. History is just of the other day and recorded history sparse to become a bank of sufficient data for the successful operation of relative study.

Our senses are limited and in accordance with it our experiences are, bound as they are in finite bonds of name and form. The fluid thought attempts its escape beyond linguistic terms in transcendent vision but finds itself hopelessly caught in the mire of material configurations. So, finite we remain, more than is healthy, and civilisation flounders on the edge of freedom.

Collisions are the course of events as the resolution of countless forces in the small play-field of life seek expression but find no room save to trespass into others' terrain. Inevitable conflict follows to settle differences in the sameness of death we term war. The tribal element triumphs over and over again ransacking civilisation and sending nations to doom. The flora of life and the fauna that people the land are laid waste as tyranny masking as liberation reigns supreme subverting all sublimity of earthly existence. And all this because the reference frame of humanity is so very small.

Written by Sugata Bose

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