Friday, 7 September 2018


1. Idiots rule the world by hypnotising idiots enmasse and intellectuals by the handful watch helplessly for want of character.

2. USA destroys the world at will and blazons its role as the messiah of democracy. Warmongering is not the democratic way.

3. Despite the UN being there, nations suffer horrible genocide simply because internal matters may not be interfered with.

4. US replaces regimes in countries creating political vacuum that is filled up by totalitarian regimes then that carry out genocide.

5. When you insult someone with a word whose meaning is unknown to the targeted person, it misfires and boomerangs on you.

6. Then when you deliberately insult and it offends the dignity of the person, you reap its long-term consequence. No escape there.

7. What you do unto others, you get back for sure in equal measure and often with interest compounded. Mark this and measure your deeds.

8. It is a crime to insult the pure and the godly and does for sure bring in karmic retribution in its wake. So, beware how you behave!

9. Karma holds all in its clutches and none can escape it. Such is the dispensation of natural justice that seeks no trial.

10. Is divine grace compatible with the inviolable law of karma? Yes. For divinity suffers in the bargain by conduction of karma.

11. Morning meets the mind with thoughts of the Divine.

12. There is a lot of time at hand and there is too little time at hand, too. Tarry no more, O mind, and reach the shore.

13. Gear up for the 125th anniversary of the Chicago lectures of Swamiji that is but 48 hours from now. (11 Sep, 1893 -- 11 Sep, 2018)

14. Swamiji was the synthesis of all diverse currents of thought that met in his being and fused to become one harmonic consciousness.

15. Not an ounce of energy must be spent but for the regeneration of the world. Unselfish living is the key.

16. On the eve of Chicago Day pledge to be strong and give up all effeminacy that camouflages as culture.

17. Indians must feel ever inspired to serve the nation in any capacity for there is no greater joy than to see her progress. Jai Hind!

18. Ours is to encourage every effort at nation-building and we must help the process by affirmative action too. This is how we evolve.

19. When there is none to be with you, know for certain you have forgotten one who is ever there with you --- yourself.

20. The sacrifice of our martyrs have not gone in vain despite the perfidies of the times that seem to upset it all. India shall live.

21. The more I meet scholars erudite in Sanskrit, the more my conviction grows that the study of Sanskrit is a national imperative.

22. The technique is to persist in the mental act of dissolving one's personality limitations and aver one's impersonal infinitude.

23. Netaji's legacy needs to be in the national limelight for the flourishing of our country. What is your take on it?

24. Are we as a nation too drawn to the past and not sufficiently forward-looking? Does this hinder our progress and keep us sterile?

25. We are to break free from all associations of the body if we are to enter the realm of the spiritual.

26. Never rest until you fall into samadhi and realise who you truly are.

27. Civilisation is collective life continuing through cross-links of individuals over aeons, the life of a race spelt out in time.

28. The rational build-up in our social intercourse is crucial to our success at the global level in any field of human endeavour.

29. America won independence from the British in 1776 even as India lost it 19 years earlier. The scales of history ever undulate.

30. America gained independence from the British by meeting force with force. What prevented Gandhi from doing so? Temperament.

31. Lincoln fought the Civil War to prevent partition of USA. What prevented Gandhi from doing so? Temperament.

32. Bose branded a war criminal for seeking Axis help. Is Washington a war criminal, too, for seeking French help? Britain, answer.

33. 'My enemy's enemy is my friend' is bad philosophy for Bose but good philosophy for Churchill. Is that so?

34. France helped liberate America but brought upon her own ruin in the bargain. The French Revolution sealed the fate of monarchy.

35. The massacre of INA soldiers by the British in the stealth of night at Neelgunge and Jhikargachha merits national condemnation.

36. Ramakrishna Mission must be kept above politics for it is our only hope of national regeneration and survival thereof.

37. Swamiji had eschewed politics from the Ramakrishna Mission and it must remain so. Its platform may not be used otherwise.

38. It is in the interest of the nation that the Ramakrishna Mission be given all governmental help without inducing compromise.

39. Come ye and join the Ramakrishna Movement and offer your labour of love to it but ever with a critical eye full of care, though.

40. The gun salute at Belur Math in honour of late Atmasthanandaji was unfortunate and has precipitated political proceedings since.

41. Too much work destroys the spiritual mood, too little work fails to induce it. The optimal amount holds the key.

42. Give up this superstitious clinging to an external God and awaken the Godhead within. Stand on your own Being.

43. As the dust of debate settles down, let us go back to our devotions in life, for work beckons us all and will brook no delay.

44. Evening sets in and yet the goal distant seems. Tarry no more, my soul, hurry on, lest the moment flies and freedom fails to find thee.

45. Truth is not what you would wish it to be but what is despite your wish.

46. If in the melee of things, life seems insipid and not worth living, remember, my friend, you have me to love you still.

47. Our present reality is not the only one. This will pass and we will slip off into our aerial selves. Whither headed are we?

48. Let us clear the path for future civilisations, clear the debris, remove the ruins for life to flourish here on earth.

49. When you destroy civilisation, you destroy human hopes with it.

50. 'Live and let live' --- is that a bad idea after all?

51. True, indeed, is the one who never converts but realises the Truth himself.

52. Peaceful is he who imposes on none and goes about living his own way.

53. Is man to be measured by his material wealth or does his worth lie elsewhere?

54. Human civilisation is a common project for it belongs to all of humanity. Stop destruction in the name of civilising peoples.

55. Religion is sectarian and, necessarily, narrow. Spirituality is universal and all-embracing and therein lies the idea of 'dharma'.

56. Ought our children to be made aware of our spiritual heritage or are we as a secular nation to submerge them in godlessness?

57. Continence builds character and character lends fire to the voice and the personality that preaches Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.

58. Vivekananda was so vast and all-encompassing in his utterances that it is easy to fractionally quote him and mislead people.

59. Hindus ought to take to the serious study of Sanskrit for access to their most precious literary and philosophical heritage.

60. Sanskrit is the lifeline of the nation and that has been taken away from us by governmental policy. Time to set things straight.

61. The Sanskrit tree has borne us the finest fruits for millenia and now it is being felled to suit a political purpose. Are we men?

62. Cowards compromise, not men having the courage of conviction and the character thereof. Arise India!

63. Give up this hypnosis that you are a helpless human and assert your godhead instead. Awake to the truth within and arise!

64. This secularism we supposedly practise is a form of diseased atheism, a decadent version of liberal living.

65. Controversies may rage and compromises may be made by one and all, but thou, my soul, anchor thyself steadfast unto character.

66. Clamour there is so much, so little there is character. Must they lead who are not fit to follow?

67. Spirituality unites, religion divides and politics disintegrates.Yet, the three must coexist to provide for the interplay of life.

68. If in the midst of a dream you come to me, O Lord, shall I fail to remember Thee when awake?

69. My life to me a dream it seems where I am not, yet, struggle to be.

70. Zeroing in to Truth -- is this it, after all?

71. The shimmering waves reveal not the luminous bed within. It is a mine of treasures lost and found to be lost in it again.

72. In vain man searches for love in life when the love of his life is within.

73. Give the body food, the mind noble thoughts, but fail not to feed my heart, O Lord, with a wee bit of Thy love.

74. If there be a heaven on earth, it is here in the human heart.

75. Drinking the poison of life, some become the ascetic Shiva. So, my mind, drink thou the sins and weaknesses of all.

76. Dial in for the All.
      The Lord awaits within
      Anxious for thy call.

77. When night draws on and wraps the world in darkness,
      Thy flame burns still to illumine my heart.
      O Lord, Thou art my sole refuge.

78. Impermanence is the law of life, infatuation its fleeting condition.

79. What is the point in writing defences of the Ramakrishna Mission when the very posts draw totally unconnected comments as usual?

80. It is important not to become an atheist for that is denying the God within.

81. When friends desert, there is one friend left, you yourself. This friend forever will never leave, never leave.

82. Going ahead of time in life is the seed of future realisation.

83. He who has bathed in the bliss of freedom has earned the right to direct others, none else, none else.

84. A seed sown now is the sapling tomorrow and the mighty tree the day after that will afforest the world in time to come.

85. Miracle-mongering is the bane of spiritual life and no one who indulges in it may be deemed holy.

86. Photos remain a runaway success over the content of my posts. No wonder our rishis introduced image worship!

87. We have to learn to be polished in our manners n modes of self-expression if we wish to effectively convey to the world our ideas.

88. The line of a great man is littered with small men.

89. Anchoring fast to desire, how propose you to break free of the world, my friend? Cut the cord that binds and fly to freedom.

90. He who is hated at home is the one that suffers the worst tyranny.

91. Universal acceptance is a very big ideal. First learn to love your near and dear ones.

92. Give up ego if you wish to love. In love there is only self-giving.

93. You hate the one that provides for you and yet you pray to please God. Will Providence be pleased by your prayer?

94. So much of hatred in the name of righteousness! One wishes there were fewer social activists, fewer hateful preachers still.

95. Where there is love, there is service. Love of God spills on to service of man.

96. Daily abuse is the diet for some, love a distant call.

97. A man renounces worldly life, then falls in the pit of power. How strong is the grip of Maya!

98. There is a work here for most. For a handful a message there is to be delivered. They are the Messengers of God.

99. In silence broods the Self.

100. It is a gateway that swings within and releases one to a vast expanse of luminous dreams while Reality waits in the wings.

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