Friday, 7 September 2018




Communism has been a curse on human society in the name of it being a people-friendly movement that is geared to rescue them from the scourge of capitalism. It has been a godless materialistic movement with little care for ethical values and absolutely steeped in lies, deceit and a terrible disdain for human life which like cattle may be slaughtered to promote their malefic cause.

Exploitation of the world's resources by rapacious capitalists has reduced the majority of the people of the world to penury for sure but a movement by way of reaction to it in the name of a dangerous philosophy that vindicates mass murder has brought entire nations to savage carnage at the hands of their communist deliverers. Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot are but three illustrations in a long unnamed list that reveal the pernicious power of a political philosophy rendered real in the heat of revolution and its cold aftermath. That outdated science and flawed philosophical understanding, fractured and refracted, sanctions such monstrosity in men, labelling it as high-sounding revolution of the proletariat, is proof enough of the barbarism that yet haunts modern man from his memory of his primitive past.

A bloody revolution that replaces the existing exploitative order, thereafter does scant justice to the people it engages in this gory process and, instead, devours them by the millions to stabilise itself against the very popular will it supposedly represents. And if the people, torn and tormented by the evil hand of repression, react to register their displeasure, they are silenced by the bayonet and the bullet to prevent counter-revolution. Human nature is not catered to nor human aspirations any more considered worth the attention of leaders who live in posh dachas while the masses grovel in the dust despite the passage of decades of promises that are held out to them as their future fulfilment in the making for all the sacrifices they are being made to undergo in the name of revolution.

Global politics is not a gullible's game but is a chess match where adversaries in ideology and interest match out their moves often to a zugzwang and in the frozen climate of adversarial animosity, the hangman's noose falls on the innocent civilians who are the victims of their habitation. One move hither or one move thither will destroy the revolution --- this is the fear and the purge begins, the cleansing act of the polity when the best and the brightest of a nation gone berserk are sent to the gallows and the revolutionary residue, perverted and perverse, pursue the failing dream in a hallucinatory way till in the fullness of time the people rise up once more to replace the dastardly regime that had thus far masqueraded as the messiah of Marxism.

Communism has convulsed the twentieth century thus, sending nations to despair in the name of revolution, and has culminated in it being reviled the world over as yet another barbarous philosophy that shows scant respect to human life or liberty which it vaunts of rationing to secure the price of freedom from capitalist exploitation and the building up of a just and equitable society for all where privilege will have ended and property will be no more be private possession to reduce the masses to penury. The experiment to set up such an order in real life has failed in every nation where it was attempted and untold misery of the masses has been entailed in the process. It remains unclear as to where its future lies in a world that is seeing increasing economic disparity. Wherever our future may lead us, it seems amply clear now that the classical revolution of bloodbath and beheading will no more hold ground and a more humane and scientific revolution will have to be the order of future change if human society is to see significant transformation for the better.

Written by Sugata Bose

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