Wednesday, 5 September 2018



Piety passive can become a disease and take hold of the nerves as yet another debility that binds. Give it up and be dynamic devotees.

There is nothing sublime in slavery nor true submission there is in its false affectation born out of superstition and fear and of the desire for gain, however camouflaged it may be from the unsuspecting soul whose habitual gullibility conforms it to a set course of daily devotion. Real spirituality comes to the brave, the adventurous soul that advances into the unknown terrain of Maya, armed in its courage of conviction and prepared to die in the act of discovery of the truth. Those who are timid and lacking in virility must complete their lay duties with the view of freedom ahead beckoning them forward. But their time has not come yet to embark on the spiritual voyage if they engage in habitual prostrations before imagined entities they term divine or go through routine religiosity averring them to be the practice of piety.

Cowards and hypocrites have no place in the royal avenue leading to realisation and they must yet live in the by-lanes of devotion and magic and miracles where they may spend millenia before they arrive at the real aspiration for truth when they will be careered into the path pristine and join the grand army of the soldiers of the soul.

The path is broad to begin with but narrows out soon and becomes precipitous as it wends its way to the summit of realisations, a la razor's edge that has to be tiptoed unto truth, aided by the helping hand of the preceptor. Such an odyssey of the seeking soul does not in its derivative merit such puerile pretensions to piety that makes a mockery of this grand exercise of the human spirit termed religion.

Like science follows a rational rigour, a mathematical purity and a philosophical thrust into enquiry of truth related to the sensory universe that call for the highest exercise of intellectual integrity, so also must religion adhere to integrity of the spirit, follow the yogic disciplines meticulously, comprehend the philosophical principles underlying reality and not pander to the vanities of the selfish soul that masquerade as piety. Like the scientist is sincere in his quest for truth and does not commit himself to arbitrary assertions without a rational basis in evidence, causal sequential order pointing to an inferred end or a mathematical demonstration of a high degree of statistical probability, so also must devotees train themselves to be scientists of the spirit, soldiers of the soul who do not make facile statements about reality and engage not in simplistic deals with their God which they term piety. Such ease of devotion, cushy comforting talk about saints and sages by way of absolving oneself of one's duties to humanity at large and even of one's own spiritual obligations whereby truth may be arrived at, bears no semblance to real religion and must be forthwith renounced before real renunciation of worldliness, that is the soul of religion, begins.

Written by Sugata Bose

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