Thursday 6 September 2018



Biluri Boka : Every time cut and paste and copy . it's enough Sir. 
Due to great respect for you we wants your own thoughts about each and every aspect.
Sir we all are eagerly waiting for your writing.
If something. Wrong from my side please forgive me

Sugata Bose : What are you implying Biluri Boka when you say 'cut and paste and copy'? It is not clear. Will you please clarify? My writings are all there on my profile wall and my personal page for all to read, and you can read them, too. I write copiously for my readers to be kept busy with my thoughts should they value them sufficiently to bother reading them with attention and discernment, that is to say. Perhaps, you could try them out and come to your conclusions about my varied and well considered thoughts and my spontaneous expressions as well that depict my alternate moods as I keep undulating on the sea of freshly flowing data into my consciousness. You may agree with me or you may disagree but, surely, you will not give vent to indiscriminate irritability on the basis of preconceptions about matters pertaining to the polity and will instead strive to comprehend the imperatives that face human society today, torn and tormented by archaic absolutism, as it is, and struggling to throw off the medieval monstrosities that go by the name of proselytising religion. These are thoughts that you may cogitate on before you venture to give vent to your roughshod remonstrance at my posts or my writings. I remain as ever your friend in earnest, Sugata Bose.
 — withBiluri Boka.

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