Human frustration and human hope, when they combine, they make a curious cocktail of hyper-imagination and irrational fantasies that have no bearing with reality.
And, yet, this gentleman defied the laws of possibility seemingly. His daring ventures and more daring escapes donning a myriad disguise make for myths and legends, and, yet, they all happened in real. Which brings us to the discussion as to where lie the limits of human possibility and what bearing probability plays in it.
The march of civilisation has been this constant stretching of existent physical reality to accommodate the extending scope of the Spirit in terms of terrestrial manifestation. But reason must yet be the guide as we examine claimed events in improbable happening. The history of humanity has been built on such fantastic claims most of which we now know were wild fantasies of the illiterate masses and the unrefined people of the past. Where science has made sufficient inroads, such claims have diminished by the hour till modernity finds itself secure on the surer foundations of empirically determinable knowledge rather than fictitious imaginings of the semi-educated mind.
And yet 'there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in our philosophy', as the Shakespearean adage goes. And here our Indian philosophy goes beyond Western bars of philosophical knowledge to better align itself with the Bard, for the possibilities of human happening has been investigated at length and in depth in India more than anywhere else in the world and the results chronicled in the sacred scriptures which bear testimony to these strange happenings of history and do not rule out their recurrence when the proper conduits for such happening are available. One such may have been Netaji and another Rash Behari Bose whose seemingly impossible attainments were, nonetheless, attained well within the realm of physical reality. As to the further claims of devotees regarding the fantastic achievements of Netaji post-disappearance, rationalists in their sufficient reasoning will discard them as arrant nonsense while pious believers in their submission to the supernatural will hold them as entirely possible for 'nothing is impossible with the Lord' and their Lord is Netaji.
Written by Sugata Bose
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